Here is a summary of what I found interesting at Monday's council meeting. Please attend for yourself to hear all the details. ~ KarenThe meeting started on time with everyone present, including the town planner. The agenda approval included moving the Point Ruston LID discussion to first. The previous meeting minutes were approved 4-0 with Council Member Albertson abstaining with out an explanation.
Old Business:1. Resolution 439: Consenting to City of Tacoma Formation of LID: Albertson was concerned that the documentation provided did not clearly state there was no risk to Ruston with this LID. He also wanted to confirm if Ruston had paid its attorney working on this issue. There had not been any work done on the issue this year. A colleague of this attorney was present and discussed the LID agreement. He felt there were things to address in the agreement, but the resolution tonight was fine. The attorney for Point Ruston gave further explanation on the funding. The resolution passed 3-2 (Stebner, Albertson no).
2. Ordinance 1278: Regulation of Private Alarm Systems: The issue was tabled so a grace period for people to comply could be added.
3. W. R. Rust Playfield/Dog Park (Huson): Deb Kristovich had worked with Council Member Huson to find a solution for an off-leash dog area and still allow the park to be used by people. Council Member Huson outlined the new configuration and the estimated costs (less than $4,000). Albertson did not think it was worth spending any money since Huson just wants to sell the park to Mike Cohen. Huson clarified again that Albertson was referring to a casual conversation he had had with Cohen, but he was in favor of selling off any town owned property if it helped stave off annexation. Council Member Stebner wanted to confirm if this new area would encroach on the area leased from the railroad and to confirm there was no restriction on using the area for dogs. He wanted a professional survey done, which usually cost a couple of thousand dollars. Council Member Hunt says knows someone that could be cheaper.
Ordinance 1280: Designating Permitted Off-Leash Areas: The ordinance was tabled to add some additional fees for dog owners who want to use this area and restrictions for only Ruston residents to use it. Stebner wanted to keep the restriction for leashed dogs in the park permanently and see if anyone complained before reconsidering the issue. But the council will do the additional research and the rules will be changed to not allow any off-leash dogs in the park until something can be approved. The Town's insurance carried had sent a letter noting Ruston's liability with the current situation.
5. Resolution 438: Utility Extension Agreement: Passed 5-0
5. Tacoma Recycling Contract - One Year Renewal: Tabled until a resolution could be drafted.
New Business: A. Ordinance 1283: Repealing Ordinance 1282 Sewer Utility Rates: The table included in the new rates approved at the last meeting has some incorrect numbers. This ordinance sets the correct rates. The council wants to review the new Tacoma rates and those in the ordinance before voting. This issue was tabled until the next meeting.
B. Resolution 440: Contracting with Tacoma for Municipal Services/Annexation: The letter from Mayor Hopkins had been sent 2 weeks ago. Albertson complained that the council did not see the final version of the letter. Albertson wanted to know about the meeting held last Friday with Tacoma officials, Mayor Hopkins and Council Members Hedrick and Hunt. The mayor said details would be provided by those who attended the meeting during council and mayor's time. This resolution was defeated 3-2 (Stebner, Albertson yes).
C. Resolution 441: 2008 Tacoma-Pierce County Solid Waste Management Plan: The plan had to be approved by the end of this month or the town would not qualify for any solid waste service. The full plan (several hundred pages long) had not been provided to each council member but was available at town hall. Approved 3-1 (Stebner no) with Albertson abstaining.
D. Revenue From Sale of Lots on Commercial Street (Albertson): The sale of town-owned property on the north side of Commercial Street included a tax penalty if homes were not constructed within a specified time period. It does not appear that additional tax has been levied because there were some problems with how the agreements were drafted. The attorney will try to find someone to take responsibility for how things were written and see if their insurance would pay for the lost revenue.
Claims and PayrollStebner wanted to have the bills presented to the council to have a notation of which account the bills get paid from. He was shown where that notation is available. Some monthly invoices for the court or consultants may not be easy to follow, so the mayor suggested a study session to educate the everyone on the process. Albertson wanted a copy of the latest statement for the town's primary bank account. Stebner was concerned about the charge accounts employees use. Claims and payroll were approved 3-1 with Stebner voting no and Alberston abstaining.
General Public CommentSherri Forch invited everyone to the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, 9:30 am.
Jon Anderson wanted the town to set up a system where donations of food or money could be made to help neighbors going through tough times.
Bev Wombacher thanked the fire department for inspecting her business and keeping things safe.
Deb Kristovich relayed a comment from a friend who had predicted someone would find a reason to deny or delay it approving the dog park compromise. She was very frustrated and wants to move ahead now.
I encouraged the council to use their energy finding ways to encourage economic growth rather than pursuing annexation. All funding sources need to be considered, such as the sizable construction tax from Point Ruston and other development.
Beth Torbet noted the business district is working on a grant for angle parking on Pearl on the Tacoma side, but she wanted to coordinate for new pedestrian-friendly street lighting with Ruston's new work along Pearl Street.
Mayor's Time:The town engineer talked about a funding opportunity he is pursuing for a low-interest 40 year loan that could pay for some of the sewer work. Ruston's average income level is now too high to qualify for many grants.
Hopkins felt it was a good discussion with Tacoma on Friday. The town needs to get a list back to Tacoma about what services Tacoma could provide so they can discuss specifics. Stebner had a list of questions that the mayor was required to ask. Hopkins will outline Tacoma's responses to those questions. There are options to continue some autonomy short of annexation such as the neighborhood councils in Tacoma.
Council Time:Stebner: Nothing
Huson: He invited folks to come to the Easter Egg Hunt. He will get with Ms. Kristovich to look at the park issues again.
Hedrick: At the Tacoma meeting, Mayor Baarsma and City Manager Anderson said they would be willing to come to Ruston and answer any questions the public might have about annexation or services. He did not get the sense that Tacoma is trying to take over Ruston.
Albertson: Council Member Stebner is the only one who has had the courage to stand up on the annexation issue and the fire department, so he felt Stebner should have been at the meeting with Tacoma. Since the annexation issue has been raised, there has not been a great outcry of protest from the public attending the council meetings, so he thinks residents support annexation. He was concerned that some on the council were willing to give away their neighbor's view to save the town. He thought there was more litigation pending with The Commencement condos.
Hunt: The data from the Tacoma meeting confirms taxes are higher in Tacoma. Ruston has to be willing to tax itself more if we want to remain solvent or get taxed at Tacoma's higher rate anyway. In Tacoma, infrastructure problems like the sewer upgrades would be paid directly by those who use that service via an LID. There would not be any savings to Ruston residents on infrastructure upgrades.
The meeting moved into executive session to discuss litigation and labor issues for 20 minutes and then adjourned at about 9:30 pm.