Thursday, December 31, 2009
In The News
Add in the new utility taxes here in Ruston starting February, tough times keep getting harder for everyone...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Grand Prize: Commencement Condo
It's a different way to market the project in challenging times. Wonder who the new neighbor will be? The raffle drawing is set for June 2010.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Council Meeting Notes: Dec. 7, 2009
The meeting began at 7:02 pm with Council Member Hedrick absent (he arrived later in the meeting). After the flag salute, there was a moment of silence for the 4 fallen Lakewood officers. Lyle Hardin was then sworn in as Ruston’s newest council member (replacing Dan Albertson). After moving the street light discussion to the first item under business, the agenda and minutes from the last meeting were approved.
Public Comment
Kevin Moser liked the new demonstration street light at Stack Hill. He thought it was better for neighbors with views.
Beth Torbet reminded everyone about the toy and food drive the fire department is sponsoring. She suggested a tree lighting ceremony the following Saturday, December 5th at 5 pm, which met with approval.
1. Street Lights: Mo Fesharaki was present to outline the cost for the street light project with the new fixture design. The project was put out to bid in 4 parts (Pearl, Highland, Winnifred and Shirley Streets). The mayor recommended putting off Pearl Street project so the area can be coordinated with Tacoma and the state since that street is part of a state highway.
Mo noted that the lights are the worst along Winnifred, followed by Pearl Street. There were different contractors who came in as the low bidders on some streets, with the costs coming in at: Winnifred = $101,628.19, Shirley = $80,997.33, Highland = $71,742.33 and Pearl = $90,340.34. The new lights will cost $992 per pole and $898 per light fixture. Winnifred needs 24 poles at a cost of $45,360 (not including shipping). Highland will need one more pole than originally planned since the new lights do not cover as wide an area, now needing 12.
Huson suggested getting all the light fixtures at once to save shipping. Hunt wanted to know if it would be cheaper to use the same contractor for all the work but was told the bids were done separately so they could get the best price for each piece of the project. Stebner wanted to know where the extra money was going to come from. Mayor Hopkins told him the new hotel/motel tax could be used for street lighting. Stebner felt using the surplus property fund for this was acceptable, but the rest of the council preferred to use the electrical reserve fund. The mayor also noted there was also money if the capital investment fund. He wanted direction from the council on how they wanted to proceed. Hunt suggested getting Highland, Winnifred and Shirley done now, but keep the discussion going with the other agencies for Pearl Street.
The mayor noted concern he had heard from some citizens about raising taxes while “crying broke”, yet there is all this new spending. He wanted to educate citizens about how the funds can be spent; new taxes are for the general fund while the reserve funds can only be used for specific utilities like sewer or street lighting. Stebner pointed out that the lighting along Winnifred is dangerous and needs to be replaced now. The motion to allow the mayor to enter in contract negotiations for the three streets was approved 5-0 (Hedrick arrived during the discussion).
2. Resolution 457: to extend the contract with the municipal judge was moved to the next meeting.
3. 2010 Budget: The mayor said LESA services had been added back into the budget, leaving a $125,000 deficit for the year. On a side note, he informed the council that they will be getting their information packets electronically from now on, saving paper and police time (they deliver the packets). Stebner confirmed that the paper copies would still be available to the public at the meetings.
The mayor has learned that the Harbor Improvement Fund can be used for storm/sanitary sewer work. Since this fund no longer receives any state funding, he has moved the full $350,000 into the sewer reserve. It will be used for loans for residents who cannot afford the required upgrade on their side sewer connections to the new lines. The USDA loan cannot be used for this purpose, so the town must find its own funding.
Hopkins reported that his exit interview with outgoing Council Member Albertson focused on improving the space at Town Hall. Since the school will not be used for Town Hall, he wants to put money aside to make improvements to the appearance and functionality of the current location. Stebner was concerned that by remodeling the building would have to be brought up to current codes.
Hardin wanted to confirm there was no more money needed from the Harbor Improvement Fund for the shoreline planning the planning commission is just starting. The mayor said funding for that effort had already been pulled out – and the town had a grant for some of the work as well.
Stebner felt that the new sewer lines were only half the battle. Someone will have to inspect to ensure that storm water is not getting into the sanitary sewer lines.
The mayor outlined a list of things he wants council assistance on:
Hardin: improving the town web site. He has dedicated $24,000 per year for maintenance and updates. He hopes to build a site that gives easy access to town processes like building permits, council meeting recordings and more. He wants everything at Town Hall to be electronic.
Hedrick: improving the professional appearance of the police and fire departments. The mayor felt we have extremely good first responders and wants to add to that with better uniforms, flags with Ruston on them or other improvements. He also wanted to look at ways to improve security at the police office. Hedrick agreed but felt it would be awhile until a dollar amount for the changes could be determined.
Claims and Payroll was approved 5-0
Mayor’s Time
Hopkins outlined more help he is hoping for from the council:
Hunt: liaison with the business district. He also wanted a monthly update from the business district at a council meeting.
Hedrick: continued help with lawsuits and security updates for the police and fire departments.
Huson: working with the planning department to determine impact fees, and to help develop an investment policy for the town.
Hardin: Along with the town web site, upgrading the town computer systems.
Council Time
Stebner, nothing
Huson felt the town owns too much property for a municipality of this size, given the maintenance costs. He felt the town should get rid of either the school or the town hall. The council should decide which location best suits the town’s needs and get rid of the other site. He felt building another tall building next to The Commencement condos would not hurt now that the school building and area had been compromised.
Hedrick wanted to go over the procedures the police use. He noted the recent police murders had occurred while the officers were doing administrative work and wanted to ensure our officers were as safe as possible while doing similar work.
The recording cut off a few minutes early, so that was all I got of the meeting.
Final Days For Zoo Lights 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009
Clerk Position May Be Eliminated
In addition, the council is considering a new "imaging" system that will put most of the town's documents on-line, saving time and effort on public information requests. The mayor noted after the last meeting there will be some upfront costs for these new services, but they will be more convenient for users and will be less costly in the long run. The talk is to promote the utility clerk to a new position that covers the remaining administrative work.
A final decision has not been made yet, but the 2010 budget is based on this new direction. The official budget that the council approved at their meeting last week is below. More details were discussed at the last study session (which I did not attend) and more action is expected at upcoming council meetings. Be sure to attend yourself and get a first-hand view of all the action.

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Council Meeting Notes: Dec. 21. 2009
The meeting started just after 7 pm with all present. Staff reports was added to the agenda before agenda approval.
Staff Reports:
Fire: Chief Torbet reported 6 calls in November. The call volume is up a bit this year. The turn out for Santa on Saturday was great, and the tree lighting was well received.
Police: Chief Kunkel thanked the Ruston community for their support after the loss of 5 officers last month. He thanked the Ruston officers that volunteered their time in the aftermath of the Lakewood killings. Officer Miller has been hired for the full time position. He outlined a wide variety of calls last month. The new vests for the department have arrived. A federal grant will reimburse half the cost.
Public Comment
Jim Wingard gave his best wishes to the new council and encouraged them to give up the pursuits of some of the out-going members such as annexation, disbanding the fire department and lawsuits.
Kevin Moser discussed his proposal on new street lights that he had presented to the council. (Details were not available - but it sounds like he wants different lights purchased for the new light project, and the lights on Stack Hill replaced.)
Bill Blankenship offered his support of Moser's proposal.
1. Resolution 457 - Extension of agreement with Judge Sandra Allen: Council Member Hardin noted the date on the resolution needed to be updated. Council Member Hedrick asked if it was standard to have a 4 year contract. Ms. Allen attended the meeting and said everyone is on a 4 year system under state law. The motion passed 5-0.
2. 2010 Budget: Council Member Hunt applauded the mayor for his hard work preparing the budget this year and for bringing in professional help with new BIAS accounting firm. Hedrick also complimented the mayor. He noted the police department is working on a reduced budget this year. He is very pleased that they only have to borrow $139,000 from the surplus property fund this year to balance the budget. The mayor noted that about $500,000 was borrowed last year. The budget passed 5-0.
Claims and Payroll
The acting clerk was not able to get the claims and payroll completed before the meeting. Employee pay is not effected. Council Member Huson will stop by the office tomorrow to look over the claims. The motion to move all these claims and payroll to the next meeting was approved 5-0.
Mayor's Time
Mayor Hopkins felt that Moser made a strong argument on the street lights. If the town is going to replace these lights, they should do it now. There is some savings if they are purchased now. He is sending a letter to Point Ruston letting them know they have to get town approval before installing lights on the rest of the development. The town planner will make sure the new requirements are clear at the beginning of the planning process.
Hopkins thanked the BIAS representative for his help as the town has dealt with the loss of the clerk. He is excited with the new efficiencies the new system will provide. He also thanked Council Member Stebner for his service on the council.
Council Time
Stebner had nothing.
Huson thanked the mayor for finding a possible solution for the clerk-treasurer problem. He said the council would promise to try not to do anything that would get the town sued if everyone in the audience promised not to sue them. He also thanked Stebner, noting "there are certain things about Wayne I am going to miss."
Hedrick said he is working with the police department on the plans for security upgrades to their office. He will be meeting with the fire chief soon. He also thanked Stebner. He had trouble believing anyone could serve 4 full years on this council.
Hunt wanted to be sure the zoning code was changed to reflect the new lighting requirements. She has been trying to get all the utility companies informed of the new taxes the town has imposed, but has had trouble getting through with her phone calls. She had some letters for the mayor to send at the meeting tonight. She also thanked Stebner for his time, even attending almost every meeting during his 4 years on the council.
Hardin thanked the community for allowing him to serve them on the council. Anything else he would have to say would be insincere since he has only been on the council for two weeks.
The meeting adjourned about 7:35 pm (corrected from 8:35 pm).
Council Meeting Tonight

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas Eve Opening
It will be another day before the tunnel is opened (last word was Dec. 23rd - now Dec. 24th). This message from Point Ruston came in on Friday. With the closure during the recent sub-freezing weather, Steve and Steve were not performing their usual icicle removal duties. This may be the last time we see this sight.
The construction crews working on Ruston Way are now estimating December 24 as the opening date for the Ruston Tunnel. As you might expect, the utility lines in this area were buried long ago and there have been unexpected construction issues to be dealt with. We appreciate your patience, and will let you know if there are further schedule changes.....
Thought you might be interested in seeing the icicles in the tunnel during the last cold snap.
J.J. McCament for Point Ruston
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Santa, Kids and Fun
Santa Visits Ruston
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tunnel Opening Delayed
The tunnel should be open on December 23rd, just in time for Christmas.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Catching Up

And Ginger Kryger held her annual fund raiser for Emergency Food Network (EFN) on December 5th. Ginger is a pottery artist extraordinaire. She and several friends made soup bowl through out the year. Ginger hosts an open house each year at her studio in Ruston where they sell bowls full of homemade soup. The proceeds go to EFN and local arts programs. I was out of town and didn't get the notice in time to attend, but wanted to share Ginger and friend's good work. Last I heard all the bowls were sold, but feel free to call Ginger and see if she had more stock on hand. It makes a great Christmas gift!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Thin Blue Line (Opinion)
It’s been a week since the very powerful and moving memorial service for our 4 fallen heroes in Lakewood. Our Ruston police and fire departments participated in the event ~ and were touched like many of us. Police Chief Kunkel shared the photos below from the procession and service. We are part of a greater community and this senseless act of violence has impacted us all.
These 4 neighbors were targeted solely because of their badge (and one in Seattle). They were gunned down because of hatred for the uniform they wore. It was a very real attack on civilized society. As we begin to try somehow to heal from this loss, I don’t know that we can return to where we were before, nor should we necessarily.
For one, I hope we will never lose this newfound sense of appreciation for those who serve as peacetime officers of the law. Too much of their time is spent correcting bad behavior, forcing someone to follow the law or dealing with angry people who don’t want anyone telling them what to do. Although it’s uncomfortable for most of them, I hope we never stop telling them how much we appreciate their sacrifice and service.
I also think, for many there will be a lingering loss of peace, of the sense of security that comes from believing that something this horrible cannot happen, especially so close to home. At some level, war has been declared on that “thin blue line” that protects us. There will forever be a scar; a wariness in our police that holds to that truth.
I know we must heal from this. But I hope we don’t heal too fast. I don’t think we can (or should we) just put this behind us. Let’s hug our family especially close this Christmas in honor of these families that have been ripped apart. As we begin the New Year knowing life will never be the same for our law enforcement community, I hope you’ll join me to pray protection, comfort and peace over our thin blue line, both here in Ruston and across the nation.

Monday, December 14, 2009
Town Hall Filling Up
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tree Lighting

Thursday, December 10, 2009
* December 2009 Holiday Events *
The Town of Ruston will be holding our annual Christmas Tree lighting ceremony this Saturday at 5 PM (51st and Winnifred). We had a great time last year, so don’t miss out on this year’s festivities! You can also bring along any new unwrapped toys or non‐perishable food donation.
The Ruston Fire Department is teaming up with the FISH food banks and Toys For Tots for this year’s charitable outreach. We’re making it easier to donate this year, by picking up any non‐perishable food items and new unwrapped toys right from your doorstep. Just place the clearly marked items on your doorstep on December 17th and the firefighters will pick this up. You can also bring your donations to Town Hall.
Council Meeting Quick Notes: Dec. 7, 2009
- New street light purchases were approved for Highland, Winnifred and Shirley Streets. Pearl Street will be delayed so the design can be coordinated with the business district, the state (Pearl is a state highway) and Tacoma (so both sides of the street can be updated together hopefully).
- Updates from the business district were added as a regular part of the agenda.
- There was discussion about the town web site updates, imaging for all town documents, school lease obstacles, town hall capitol improvements, protecting the police with surveillance equipment on the parking lot & station, supporting a professional appearance for police and fire, Harbor Improvement funds transfer to Sewer fund, among other things.
- The food & toy drive continues and a tree lighting ceremony will be held this Saturday, December 12th at 5 pm at 51st and Winnifred.
- Former police chief Sharon Reese was in town and came to the meeting to say hello.
I'll have more details next week after I review the recording of the meeting. Be sure and join us for the tree lighting on Saturday evening at 5 pm (and bring some toys and food).
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Ruston In Oil
Monday, December 7, 2009
Ruston's Shoreline Plan

Hardin Sworn In Tonight
I'm not sure what else is on the agenda for tonight. Come to the meeting yourself and see!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Ruston 21
Friday, December 4, 2009
They Listened?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Bittersweet Goodbye: Opinion
I have always appreciated Karen's honesty, commitment and love for Ruston. There is no question that she gave her heart 100% to this community. She knows the budget inside and out. She knows what makes the town administration function more than the rest of the staff combined. She carries more details about this town in her head than any of us can imagine. And all that knowledge is now lost.
She has a heart of gold, but doesn't mind dishing back what is dished out to her. In other words, she didn't always play the political niceity-nice game. But even when she may have been brisk, she was always professional. There were times when she and I did not agree on issues; times when I irritated her or vise versa. But we have always been able to maintain a civil relationship.
On community celebrations, she went well beyond the call of duty. She almost single-handledly organized a town parade a few years ago. She worked tirelessly on the bridge dedication and "memories in brick" memorial. There is no question that she loved us deeply.
I don't think any of us appreciate fully all that Karen has given us over the years. She was an easy target when someone disliked the mayor she worked for. Any complaints about the town usually ended up at her feet. The political pressures on her would have driven most of us over the edge. But through each new mayor, each new round of complaints or change in political wind, she maintained her professionalism and her integrity. And above all, her love for this community never wavered.
To the naysayers, be careful what you wish for. We have lost a gem that will be hard to replace. Karen Murphy Carlisle leaves with her head held high. She leaves a community that is better because of her efforts. Many, many of us will miss her ~ and hope she finds rest and peace in her new endeavors. She's certainly earned it.