Monday, July 29, 2013

Dust Off Those Aprons

It's time to prepare for our second annual baking contest, part of the Ruston Family Fair fun. It was a tough competition last year and things should be even more competitive this year. And we get to eat the entries this year!

First place prize is $100 cash, so get the ovens warmed up, aprons cleaned and let the baking begin! Entries along with the $10 entry fee are due at Don's Ruston Market by 1:30pm on Fair Day (August 10th), judging begins at 2:30pm. Entry forms are available at Don's. More details are on the Ruston-Point Defiance Business District web page via this link.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Backyard Fun

Several annoucements for fun at the big park next door arrived today. We sure have it good in Ruston!

Link to campout registration


July 23, 2013
Chris Erlich, Fort Nisqually Living History Museum, (253) 591-5339; 
Lane Sample, Fort Nisqually Living History Museum, (253) 591-5339;
Nancy Johnson, Metro Parks Tacoma communications manager, 253-226-4530;
Fort Nisqually Brigade Encampment Re-Creates Arrival of Fur Brigade
Live the 1850s life with more than 100 re-enactors August 10 and 11 during one of the largest events of the year at Fort Nisqually Living History Museum, located in Point Defiance Park.
The annual Brigade Encampment recreates the bustle and excitement of the historic visit of fur traders to the Fort in 1855. The event will take place 11 am to 5 pm both days. For admission and more information, visit or call (253) 591-5339.
“Visitors will be completely surrounded by authentic sights and sounds of the past,” said Fort Nisqually Education Curator Mike McGuire. “There are plenty of opportunities for members of the public to participate in this exciting event.”
The Fort’s newest exhibit, “Escape, Intrigue and a Shot of Whisky,” also opens during this event. The exhibit looks at the life and legacy of John McLeod, an HBC employee who became the patriarch of a large Pierce County family that included fur traders, American settlers and Native Americans.
Visitors will witness the arrival of the fur trading brigade and spirited contests between trappers and traders – from races to tomahawk throwing. Families can participate in "Engagé for the Day," visiting with re-enactors at their tents and receiving hands-on lessons on period skills such as flint and steel fire starting and spinning wool. There will be live fiddle music, a chance to dance, Punch and Judy puppet shows, and an1850s cooking contest.
McGuire explained that once each year, the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) collected all its furs from the region in one place, usually Fort Vancouver. In 1855, HBC traders were instructed to bring their goods to Fort Nisqually instead. From Fort Nisqually, more than 16,000 furs — bear, badger, beaver, fisher, fox, marten, mink, muskrat, otter, and wolf — were shipped to England.
Fort Nisqually Living History Museum is a restoration of the Hudson’s Bay Company outpost on Puget Sound. Visitors travel back in time and experience life in Washington Territory during the Fur Trade era. Nine buildings are open to the public, including the Granary and the Factors House, both National Historic Landmarks, and a Visitor Center with Museum Store. For information and admission, call (253) 591-5339 or go online to
Tiger Conservation Weekend: July 27 - July 28
Saving wild tigers is so important we are setting aside two days – July 27 and 28 – to celebrate the species, provide fun activities for the public and launch a month-long fundraiser. Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium is blessed to have six tigers on grounds, and all of them will be on exhibit during the weekend.

The superstars of the weekend are Sumatran tigers Malosi, 4; Jaya, 10; Bima, 3; Dumai, 11 months; and Kali, 3 months. Malayan tiger, Berani, 11 months.

A few of the planned activities are:

  • Tiger and You Photo Op: Well, it will be a stuffed, tiger. But it’s about 5 feet long and 3 feet tall. Volunteers will have special outfits, like junior zookeeper clothes or tiger field biologist wear, which kids can put on when they stand next to the tiger.
  • How Much Can A Tiger Eat? View an array of artificial steaks on a table to guess how much food a tiger might eat at one sitting.
  • Tiger Take Out: Test your strength by dragging a tire in just the same way a tiger would carry off its prey for safe keeping.
  • Fun with Fur: Check out photographs of animal fur and identify tigers, clouded leopards and other big cats.
  • Tigers of the World: Map the home of tigers living today.
  • Web of Life: Build a web and see how people are connected to tigers of the world.
Tiger enrichments take place in the Asia exhibits on Saturday and Sunday at 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.      

And here’s a little-known fact: Tigers are among nature’s most excellent swimmers and can easily cross rivers and lakes five miles wide.

To promote water safety among humans, representatives from MultiCare Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital & Health Center, will be at the zoo with a life jacket try-on station and a kids’ fishing activity. MultiCare Mary Bridge is the presenting sponsor of Tiger Conservation Weekend. 

Help Us Save Tigers
The world’s tigers are vanishing from the wild at an alarming rate. Poaching and human encroachment on tiger habitat are pushing these magnificent animals toward extinction.

The race to save these critically endangered species is urgent - and we would love your help! All of the money raised will go directly to support Wildlife Conservation Society efforts to stop poaching in Southeast Asia, reduce human-tiger conflict and provide veterinary care to tigers caught in snares.


By phone 
By mail
The Zoo Society
The Race to Save Tigers
5400 North Pearl Street
Tacoma, WA 98407 
In person
Zoo’s Asian Forest Sanctuary during tiger Conservation Weekend

Learn more about Sumatran tigers and Kali, our new tiger cub.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Missing Link No More

Peter Callaghan has a great column with more details about the grant money secured by Metro Parks this year. The new pathway connecting Point Defiance along the water's edge is slated to open September 22nd. Read more here...

Friday, July 19, 2013

New Point Ruston Building

A second building will soon begin to rise at Point Ruston. Construction on the Copperline Condominiums (link here) is scheduled to begin in a few weeks according the following announcement, located on the waterside of the current building. All good signs that someday we may see some construction on the Ruston side too.

In just the last two weeks, we've welcomed four new waterfront condo owners who have selected Point Ruston's Copperline Condominiums as their future home.
Join us in celebrating our new owners! As we build one of the Northwest's premier waterfront destinations, our hope is that the memories created in your new home are
among the most cherished in your life.

We are also proud to share some very exciting news — the Copperline Condominium foundations are complete and we will begin vertical construction within the next few weeks — the first of our home owners will be enjoying their luxury condominiums in Spring 2014.
  We invite you to join the Point Ruston community today and start living the Puget Sound Dream!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Zoo Half Price

The zoo is open a half day on Friday; closing early so crews can finalize preparations for this year's Zoobliee fund raiser. So admission on Friday is only half price. Ruston residents pay full price for entrance fees, so this might be a good day to check out all the new babies and exhibits...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Missing Link Grant Secured

The "missing link" between the Ruston Way waterfront park and Point Defiance Park has been awarded grant money in the state's new budget. A Bonney Lake Courier-Herald article describes how the grant will connect the trail through Ruston into Point Defiance Park. Read the article here... More on Metro Parks plans available here...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mystery Solved: Ferry Is Safe

The Point Ruston Ferry was taken down to the dry-dock facility at Vigor Marine yesterday. While at dry-dock she’ll undergo routine maintenance and inspections, including a complete hull cleaning and survey (to check for any weak areas or stress points), as well as receive a beautiful new coat of paint. Following the deep-clean, we are very excited to then be taking her up to Seattle a few weeks in August, where she’ll be moored at the Historic Ships Wharf at Lake Union Park between August 9th  – 19th. While there we’ll be hosting a series of open houses and other events that will be announced on our website in the near future.  Hopefully our local Ruston friends can make a day trip up to Seattle to check out her temporary digs – and if anyone hasn’t been to Lake Union Park it’s well worth the visit.  The Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI), Center for Wooden Boats and the Northwest Marine Center are all located at the park, so it’s a very cool location. Here’s a link to an article on the park that also has some great photos of the other historic vessels that will be keeping the Point Ruston company while she’s in Seattle:
Loren M. Cohen
Manager of Legal Affairs
MC Construction Consultants, Inc.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Missing Ferry

No word from Point Ruston yet on where their floating sales center/ferry has run off to. I'll let everyone know as soon as the mystery is solved.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Grown Up Fun Helps Kids

All the grown ups can relax and enjoy local beer and wine while raising money to support educational programs at Fort Nisqually. The fourth annual Friday at the Fort happens July 26th at 6pm. Music by Gig Harbor's The Shy Boys, beer, wine, food - it promises to be a great evening for adults only. More details and tickets available here...

Monday, July 8, 2013

Another Accident

Another accident in 5 Mile Drive at Point Defiance occurred early this morning. An injured man was discovered about 7am near a wrecked car. Emergency personnel are searching for a possible second injured passenger. The News Tribune has more here...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Freedom Celebrations

Bald eagle atop Tacoma Yacht Club
America's freedom will be celebrated in Ruston with our annual kids parade at 10am in front of Don's Ruston Market (N. 51st and Winnifred). But first we have another run through town with additional street closures. The Independence Day 5K (map) starts at 8am at Vassault Park and winds down N. 54th and Shirley to Ruston Way. Freedom Fair road closures start at N. Ferdinand and Ruston Way this year, so no Ruston roads will be closed related to that event (map).

But N. Winnifred closes at 10am for the cutest parade in the nation. Come watch or decorate your pet, bike or scooter and join the celebration. Happy 4th of July!