Monday, October 7, 2013

Farewell My Friend

Carol Tritt 1939 - 2013
Farewell, Carol my friend. Even though the last time you visited Ruston very few recognized you, you left your footprint here. You and Gerald took a fledgling fire department and gave it a rock solid foundation that outlives you both. You cared deeply for this town that no longer knows your name. You shed tears of frustration and pain over our future. You shouted with victory when new ground was gained. You grinned with joy at every baby step as we grew stronger despite the naysayers that predicted Ruston's death. You invested blood, sweat and tears into this town and your investment has reaped huge benefits for this community you loved.

Even though your name is no longer heard on our streets, you changed our course and impacted our future in ways these new faces will never know. How like you! To invest so much so quietly - yet make such a difference. You would never want the recognition. Just the knowledge that the town you loved had survived.

You impacted my life too. You taught me about love of community, about giving and caring in the face of dissension and animosity. You taught those same lessons to countless others. You taught your family above all. You loved us all and modeled compassion and friendship like few in my life. Thank you, my friend - for your example, for changing our future and for your love. Rest in peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice comments. She was truly blessed to have such good friends in Ruston. - Wade Tritt