Michael Thompson, Public Information Officer, (253) 305-1092;
SAMI portables in Point Defiance will relocate to former Camp 6 Site starting Monday
Public advised to plan for traffic disruptions on Five Mile Drive – move anticipated to take several days
Public Schools will begin moving the portable classrooms used by the
Science and Math Institute (SAMI) from the Triangle area of Point
Defiance Park to the former Camp 6 Site beginning Monday, June 29.
move will take several days and the public is advised to expect traffic
disruptions at the park’s Mildred Street entrance and along Five Mile
Drive between the entrance and the former logging museum site.
Phase 1 construction is scheduled to begin the week after Independence
Day as the City of Tacoma launches work to create a stormwater
treatment facility. The new stormwater facility is designed to protect
the health of Puget Sound by filtering pollutants from the runoff of the
neighboring 754-acre watershed which currently flow directly into the
sound. Contaminated soils will be excavated from the area in conjunction
with the construction.
The urgency of these Waterfront Phase 1 projects has increased the need to relocate SAMI portable classrooms from the Triangle, located to the right of the Pearl Street entrance. Construction of the treatment facility will reduce parking in this and the relocation of the will provide temporary boat trailer parking until a larger, improved parking area opens in 2017.
The urgency of these Waterfront Phase 1 projects has increased the need to relocate SAMI portable classrooms from the Triangle, located to the right of the Pearl Street entrance. Construction of the treatment facility will reduce parking in this and the relocation of the will provide temporary boat trailer parking until a larger, improved parking area opens in 2017.
make way for the construction, Metro Parks and Tacoma Public Schools
decided to temporarily move the portables to the former Camp 6 Logging
Museum site.
After a shared-use environmental learning center opens at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in the 2016-2017 school year, phase-out of the portables from the former Camp 6 can begin.
Parks has a longstanding commitment to use Point Defiance Park for
educational opportunities. The SAMI experience in the park has been a
success that shows with a 98 percent graduation rate. The park and
school districts will continue to explore opportunities to enhance
additional environmental learning spaces throughout the park during the
detail planning phase.
Phase 1, the environmental learning center at the zoo and planning for
the former Camp 6 are all part of Destination Point Defiance, a
long-term planning initiative to enhance the experience and honor the
character of Point Defiance Park. More information is available at
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