UPDATE: Thursday, Jan. 7th, 10:08 am: Based on a question posed in a comment here, I asked Mayor Hopkins to outline the full costs for the street lighting project (not just the cost for the poles and light fixtures). Here is his response. The asterisk indicates that the same contractor will be doing those streets, and these totals do not include the costs to replace the 10 fixtures on Stack Hill. Thanks for the great question and to the mayor for the quick and transparent response...
Material and Labor Cost
Mounting Height = 18'
Fixtures: Architectural Area Lighting, the Providence Family
Pole: $930 each
Fixture: $890 each
Winnifred Street
24 poles: Material Costs = $43,680.00, Labor Costs = $101,628.19 ~ TOTAL: $145,308.19
Shirley Street*
12 poles: Material Costs = $21,840.00, Labor Costs = $81,547.85 ~ TOTAL: $103,387.85
Highland Street*
11 poles: Material Costs = $20,020.00, Labor Costs = $72,292.33 ~ TOTAL: $92,312.33
Total Material Costs: $85,540.00
Total Labor Costs: $255,468.37
Total Overall Costs: $341,008.37
This is the handout that Mo Fesharaki gave the council at the last meeting. It compares the bid numbers from the three bidders for the street light project.

Has the town received bids for the installation and wiring?
I believe so, my impression was these bids included that work as well. I'll confirm and post the information.
Thanks for the info Karen.
Do we know which electrical contractor was the low bidder?
One small step for Mankind. One big step for Ruston. There really is light at the end of the tunel.
I think all that has been confirmed so far is the purchase of the light poles and fixtures. I don't think there has been any contract or bid awarded for the actual work yet.
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