Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Today’s observation

“I’m afraid to say anything.” I heard that comment yet again this week.

Sound familiar? The feeling is all too familiar to those who might not agree with the current town leadership. It’s no longer enough to state one’s opinion and allow others the freedom to disagree. Many now fear harsh repercussions; name-calling, rumors, lies, attacks against your business or employment.

But I will give my opinion ~ and ask for yours. How are you feeling about today’s political climate in Ruston? Do you agree that things have gotten too harsh? Can we find a way to "agree to disagree" without personal attacks? Are we capable of sorting through all the facts and forming varied, honest opinions ~ and allowing others to come to different conclusions? That would mean presenting all the facts, not just those that support one's opinion. But that's a whole different subject...

I’m not sure it’s even possible. Maybe too many are too afraid. Maybe we've gone too far. Maybe the wounds are too deep. Just my opinion ~ what's yours?


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