UPDATE: Wednesday, Nov. 11th: The News Tribune has more details about the closure and future plans for the tunnel and Ruston Way (
read article here). Final closure of the tunnel is scheduled for this spring ~ progress at long last!
The closure of the tunnel has been pushed back by a day. The closure is now scheduled to begin Thursday morning, November 12th. The closure is still estimated to last 2 weeks.
There is no mention of the rond-a-bout connecting Baltimore street.
Is this still in the plans?
I thought it was a big deal.
Anybody know.
The latest site plan on the Point Ruston web page shows a round-a-bout for the Baltimore Street and 51st Street connection. I don't think the link will work, but cut and paste this address in the address bar to get you there....
Another thought while we're talking about this connection. The new road alignment does away with Gallagher Way. Owen Gallagher was a longtime mayor for Ruston. I think this was one of the only streets in Ruston with any local historical signficance. I hope Point Ruston or our elected leaders will consider giving that name to another street in town.
My GPS calls Ruston Way Gallagher Way heading towards downtown Tacoma and gets it right heading back to Ruston but leaves out Gallagher Way.
That would make sense - Gallagher Way is on all the maps. It's that half block section that runs along the pond at the end of 51st just before the tunnel. Maybe we can name the new round-a-bout Gallagher Circle or something.
The site plan clearly shows Baltimore Street connected to the Gallagher round a bout.This will help with traffic congestion and over flow.
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