Monday, March 5, 2012

New Day For Council Meetings?

One of the issues the Ruston council will consider at tonight's meeting is a proposal from the mayor to change the day of the week the council meets from Monday to Wednesday or Thursday. Since holidays are often observed on Mondays (meaning the meeting is rescheduled for Tuesday that week), it causes confusion at times.The council will also consider the ordinances proposed by the police department at the last meeting. The full packet of information is available here...

The regular meeting starts at 7 pm, but a study session begins at 6 pm - both at the community center at 5219 N. Shirley St. The study session will focus on the school building.


Anonymous said...

I understand they are selling the school building to the hole in the wall gang. Any news on that front.

Ruston Home said...

I'm not sure who this refers to, but I can confirm there is no pending sale. The council has heard from the same development team three times now, but the response from the elected leaders that there will be no rush decision. They promise at least one study session where the public will be allowed to comment.