Thursday, December 27, 2012

Council Meeting Notes: Dec. 18, 2012

The meeting began at 7:02pm with all elected officials present. After roll call and the flag salute, the agenda was approved with no changes. There were no minutes presented to discuss.

Staff Reports
Police: Chief Kunkel said the Christmas tree lighting and visit with Santa (that included issuing id’s for kids) all went very well. The toy and food drive were successful with lots of donations. February 23rd, Kunkel is chairing the Special Olympics fundraiser “Polar Bear Plunge” at Point Defiance. He will be getting wet and invited the mayor and council to join him. The chief then outlined last month’s calls and noted that the department has received their new decibel reader so they can better enforce Ruston’s noise ordinances.

Fire: Chief Torbet echoed the good news on the holiday celebrations and thanked the community for their support. He said the CPR training will start again in January. Torbet had met with Tacoma dispatch today in hopes of reaching an agreement for emergency dispatch services. South Sound 911 (on the agenda) is only for police dispatch at this time. The Tacoma system has superior voice quality and better radio coverage in our area.

The department did their first patient transport today. There were 8 medical aid and 2 fire calls last month. The department is on track to have more calls this year than 2011. They are taking applications for two vacant positions right now. Councilmember Hardin asked about the dispatch equipment needed for Tacoma. The costs should be about the same and within budget. Councilmember Hunt confirmed 25 radios are needed for the department.

Public Comment

1. Ordinance 1375-Adult Entertainment Facilities – New Chapter 25.05 (2nd Reading): No discussion, passed 5-0.

2. Ordinance 1385- Amend Chapter 25.01 to add definitions related to Adult Entertainment Facilities to Zoning Code – (2nd Reading): No discussion, passed 5-0.

3. Ordinance 1383-Licensing and Operation of Adult Entertainment Facilities – New Chapter 5.11 (2nd Reading): No discussion, passed 5-0.

4. Ordinance 1384-Amend RMC 5.05.010 to make consistent with new chapter 5.11 RMC and to delete fees from Chapter 5.05 RMC (2nd Reading): No discussion, passed 5-0.

5. Ordinance 1389-Amending 18.05.010 (electrical meters) to remove fees (2nd Reading): Hardin thanked the attorney for these changes, passed 5-0.

6. Ordinance 1390 – Budget Adoption (2nd Reading): Hunt thanked the mayor for all his hard work on the budget. Hardin apologized to Chief Kunkel for saying his budget was 25% over last year. It was the accounting that was misunderstood, not a problem with how the chief budgeted. The mayor reviewed the budget again (see notes from last meeting for details). After a lengthy discussion about extending medical benefits to police officer spouses, it was decided the mayor would do more research. The council will hold a special meeting on Thursday, December 27th to adopt the budget. The final budget is dependent on the costs for the medical coverage.

7. Resolution 529 – Master Fee Resolution: Passed 5-0.

8. Resolution 530 – South Sound 911 (SS911) Agreement: Hedrick wanted a written response from the SS911 board to the changes requested by the Ruston attorney. It is unlikely they will be granted since so many other municipalities have signed the agreement as presented. Hunt felt Ruston has a good attorney and thought the town should contact the other cities to see if they wanted the same changes. The motion was made to request the mayor to get the agreement changed, passed 5-0.

Claims & Payroll
The cost for the 2012 audit was not in the budget. Another audit is expected in 2013 because of the HUD loan for the sewer project.

Mayor’s Time
The conversion to the new garbage collection system is going well.

Council Time
Hedrick: KING 5 called him about a story. He doesn’t have anything against the adult entertainment industry and understands the constitutional issues, but doesn’t think it’s right that a small, neighborhood city like Ruston should have to allow it. He wished everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and was pleased with the new garbage collection system.

Hunt described her hot water  tank failing recently and felt it was because of dust from Point Ruston.

Hardin said new state representative Jake Fey offered to champion funding for capital improvement projects in Ruston. The mayor pointed out the Pearl Street lighting and other street improvements that have been talked about. Hedrick felt it was difficult to get street projects funded. Hardin noted that projects have to be engineered before the state would consider funding them. Mayor Hopkins informed the council that the cost to underground utilities to Rust Park would be coming before them soon.

Kristovich had no comment.

Judd had no comment.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.

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