Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Help Capture Kota

This request from the Bring Kota Home page today. Contact Bonnie at 253 279 5943 or Jim 206 552 0304 if you can help.

I just received a call from a man who"s house Kota stops by regularly. He feeds cats outside and Kota stops there to eat. He was there at 7:35 a.m. I am hoping to try work on some kind of a plan with him. But understandably he doesn't want a trap where his cats could get in. As long as Kota has food sources outside the trap it is less likely he will risk going in the trap. We are certain he is staying in the area because he is either being fed or finding food. I would like to try set up a Kota feeding station in someone's fenced yard. Leaving the gate open and moving the feeding station further into the yard each day. Then coordinate a containment trapping where we would be out of sight, let him go in the yard and then close the gate behind him. We need the community to spread the word, if Kota is regularly seen near your home or a neighbor's home that is fenced will you allow us to try this? We have figured out he is often on the move and most likely looking for food between 7 am and 9am and 4pm - 6pm.

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