Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Council Meeting: January 20, 2008

Here is what I found interesting at tonight's meeting. Attend in person and see what you might find interesting! ~ Karen

The meeting began at 7 pm with the flag salute and the agenda and minutes of the last meeting being approved. The fire department report had been handed out to the council but Chief Torbet was not able to attend the meeting.

Interim police chief Kunkel provided the police department report. The highlights included 3 new hires and a reminder that the chief position is being advertised again until January 31st. The civil service board will conduct oral boards on February 6th. Kunkel has suggested a couple of changes to the civil service rules that the board is considering. The department has been involved with several important cases last month, including a death investigation at the entrance to Point Defiance Park, domestic violence and narcotics arrests. The department has given the council a proposal for having the town issue firearms for officers.

Council Member Stebner wanted to be sure that animal control knew Ruston had an off-leash dog park. He also wanted to confirm or deny a local rumor - by asking if Tacoma police had been involved in anything "big" in Ruston. Kunkel said no. Stebner also wanted more speeding enforcement along Shirley Street when the construction workers got off work.

1) Engineering Services for Infrastructure: Stebner put this issue on the agenda. He wanted to confirm if he should take the lead on having the town engineers prepare plans for the sewer and street lighting or if the mayor was working on the issue. The plans are needed to apply for grants.

The mayor had met with the town maintenance supervisor last week to set the priorities for the utilities. About 25% of the sewer system has been replaced since the major appraisal in 1997. The mayor wants to assess what the current needs are, especially since more pieces will be addressed with the new development at Point Ruston and Stack Hill. He felt Harbor Improvement Funds should be available since a failure of the system uphill would have a negative impact on the bay. Council Member Huson said the system on Pearl should probably be upgraded rather than replaced. He felt any study should identify similar parts of the system for upgrade. The mayor will work with the engineering firm to get a bid on designing a new sewer system.

2) Point Ruston Lease: Stebner also put this on the agenda. He and Council Member Albertson want an appraisal to determine the current market rate for leasing the school space before any negotiations begin with Point Ruston. The plan as discussed at the January 5th meeting was for Point Ruston to take over the space on February 1st. They are currently using that area for storage. The mayor is holding a proposed lease, but has not signed it until these issues are resolved. Albertson complained that some members of the council are apt to give Point Ruston anything they want. Council Member Hunt gave the mayor the name of a local commercial real estate agent to confirm the market rate for Class C or D office space. The mayor suggested having the agent list the rest of the available space at the school for rent.

Claims and Payroll were approved after two more bills for utility locates were removed. There is some question about Ruston being charged for locates in Tacoma. Once the maintenance supervisor researches the issue, the bills will be paid.

Public Comment:
Among other things, Jim Wingard suggested the town do an LID (local improvement district) to pay for upgrading the sewer system. He felt the town should lease the space at the school to Point Ruston for $1 per year since the project is helping Ruston.

Sherri Forch wanted to know when The Commencement would be out of their sales center at the school.

Terry Knapp thought the upper floor of the school building could be rented out for storage.

I suggested the council work with the business district on street lighting and grants. I also suggested they review the fire committee report recommendations for upgrading the fire department as they work with the insurance rating folks.

Mayor's Time:
Mayor Hopkins will meet on Friday with Tacoma Power. He has done a quick review of Ruston's utility rates. By his rough estimate, if Ruston charged the same as Tacoma for their utilities, revenues would increase $58,000. Hunt had done a similar analysis and estimated $100,000 income. The issue will be discussed at a study session before the next council meeting - 6 pm on February 2nd.

The town planner and Council Member Hedrick met with Washington State Rating Bureau to discuss future needs of the fire department with the Point Ruston development. If Ruston were to do commercial inspections annually, the town's insurance rating would improve. The fire department has begun documenting these inspections (they have been doing them for years) and is working on a formal plan for annual inspections. The bureau also wanted a ladder truck (although the fire committee research recommended a telesquirt). The mayor will check with Tacoma Fire about an inter-local agreement for use of their ladder truck. Tacoma has a similar agreement with Gig Harbor. The bureau did not have any problems with Ruston maintaining a volunteer department. Stebner said he had worked with the Pierce County Fire Marshal last year. Stebner said they would provide all fire inspections for $500 per year. He will get the information to the mayor.

The mayor is waiting to hear about a meeting on the collective bargaining for the town employees.

Council Time:
Stebner wanted a study session to discuss the dog park. He did not think the current situation was tolerable. The town attorney will circulate a draft ordinance and his research on other dog parks. A notice will be put at the park and in the newsletter for a study session at 6 pm on February 17th.

Stebner deferred to Albertson to report on their meeting at the school gym. He also wanted someone to contact Tacoma about upgrading their lighting along Pearl at the same time as Ruston.

Huson did not have any comments.

Hedrick commented on today's inauguration.

Albertson discussed the meeting with The Commencement today. He and Stebner made it clear they want the space returned to Ruston by the March 12th deadline outlined in the lease. The town will have to decide what the space should look like and who has to pay for those changes.

Albertson thanked Kunkel for stepping in as interim police chief again. He wanted Point Ruston to let the full council know when the buildings would be completed in Ruston and what the revenue projection was for the town from that development. He complained that council liaisons did not bring back information to the council. He also wanted the council to be careful about raising the utility rates. That money would come directly from town residents during very difficult economic times. His comment on the inauguration: "the long national nightmare is over".

Hunt felt that residents would be willing to pay the actual cost for services, especially if it meant keeping Ruston viable. She wanted to explore a lower rate for seniors or those on a fixed income. The town clerk told her that the town already has such a system in place. Hunt also reminded Albertson that she makes a report to the council each time she meets with Point Ruston.

Stebner wanted to rebut some of Hunt's comments on utility rates, but it was decided to wait until the study session on the issue. The meeting adjourned abruptly at about 8:15 pm.


Anonymous said...

Please be much more careful about the correct spelling of words you use in your articles, if you want to look professional.

Ruston Home said...

Thanks for the suggestion. Professionalism is secondary to letting residents know what is happening in Ruston, but it is an important goal. I found one mis-spelled word. If you see anything else, please let me know. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

pckie, pickey

Anonymous said...


I kair uhbout thuh kontent, knot thuh speling. Thanx four thuh kontinued reporting uv Ruston meatings.

It saves me a lot of time and I stay informed. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I am replying to Anonymous #1.

You should be careful of fragmented sentences and the correct use of commas.