Friday, January 2, 2009

Casino Offer Settlement

The News Tribune is reporting today that Point Defiance Casino has offered to settle their $9 million plus lawsuit with the Town of Ruston. You will recall both sides lost in their efforts for summary judgment early last month.

The casino has put forward an undisclosed settlement offer (which includes an offer for this casino to pay the same rate as larger casinos in Fife). And in an effort to rebuild some business, the former casino space will be used for dancing and karakoe soon. Warm up those vocal cords and dust off those dancing shoes, Winnifred! No need to leave town to party anymore.


Anonymous said...

Motion for Summary judgment filed by town of Ruston was denied. Point Defiance Cafe and Casino was the winner the town $1,700 dollars poorer.

What we need to ask is who authorized the Summary Judgment motion?

The town of Ruston did prevail on the injunction request filed by the Casino but only because the Town Attorney refused to stipulate "yes" that the tax was imposed by a 3-1 vote in the council, shutting down the gambling operations and losing the town $30,000 per year in gambling taxes.

Anonymous said...

The casino has never paid anything close to $30,000 in gambling taxes. Check it out.

Karaoke and dancing in the casino - what a comment that is on options for entertainment in Ruston.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't like either option, but I'd rather have a casino than a dance club in town.

The crowd in the parking lot is already a lot noisier than before

Anonymous said...

To anon #2:
I work for PDC&C and in 2007 they paid over $30,000 to Ruston in gambling taxes - while losing $80,000 for the year. The monthly tax rate averaged just under 3% on gross receipts of just under $100,000 (monthly payroll alone was about $80,000)

Anonymous said...

then why be in buisness? if he couldnt make it at the old tax rate, maybe the new tax rate is a blessing in disguise.

you all got out while there was still a job market.
arent you glad your not looking for a job now?

Anonymous said...

Karaoke and dancing? They now have one Police officer checking licesnse plates in the parking lot and environs. But this will draw a crowd and an additional officer may be required. Budget amendment here?

Anonymous said...

Which goes to show that the casino failed or is failing because of the economy, not because of the Town's taxation decision.

Don't know what makes the casino folks think that dancing and karaoke will save their business.

Remember the truism that was first expressed several years ago: 'It' the economy, Stupid.'

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the casino owner will share his winnings with the empoyees.That would be a kind gesture.Maybe give them all raises,provide medical and a heck of a retirement plan.

Only time will tell.