Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Olden Days

UPDATE: 12:50 pm: Jim found some more old photos of the stack during the few years it was the tallest in the world (around 1915). You might recall that the smelter stack was the tallest in the world when it was first built, but an earthquake a few years after construction required the top few feet be removed. By then, a Japanese company had built a taller stack took claim to being the "biggest in the world".

Jim Wingard found more intriguing historic photos to share with us. The Ruston shoreline looks dramatically different today ~ and it will continue to transform for many more years. But the work that took place on this site helped build many of the buildings around us and the wages sent many a youngster to college. Ruston has a unique, rich history that we should capture and document while we can. That's my soap box for today! ~ Karen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos. Kinda makes a condo complex look tame don't ya think?