Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ruston Does It Right

I happened across Ruston, Louisiana's new web page today focused on their citizen-led planning effort called Ruston 21. I discussed the process they were embarking on last October when they held a series of "community visioning" meetings. The ultimate outcome will be three documents; a community and economic development plan, a comprehensive land use plan and a capital improvement plan.

The community input was quickly translated into what they call "Quick Response". The set of initiatives begins by noting; "Perhaps the single most important plan accomplishment is the cooperative spirit and energy the community has brought to the plan. This is a plan that truly belongs to and embodies our community." I found this list of responses especially interesting:
  • Downtown Revitalization Plan: to "improve pedestrian access, relocate overhead utility services and improve the visual impact of the downtown district"
  • Upgrade Web Access
  • Public Saftey Initiative: "performance-based management plan, increase transparency..."
  • Leadership Development: "identify, recruit and engage civic leaders"
  • Business Retention Initiative
  • Sidewalk Improvement Plan
  • Annexation: they are looking to expand their boundaries
  • One Book Initiative: the whole community reads the same book once a year and has a series of forums to talk about it - the goal is positive community connections and support for education, reading and libaries
  • Substandard Housing Removal
  • Junk Vehicle Removal

Ruston, Louisiana is a much bigger city than Ruston, Washington. But we are both made up of people who want the best for our community. I think our southern counterparts are moving in the right direction. It's not too late for the northern, smaller Ruston to engage its citizens and provide a positive forum for building our future together.


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