Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ruston Lawsuits

Someone complained when I posted notice about another lawsuit Ruston is facing with a developer recently. They thought I should post all the current lawsuits. A check of the superior court web page showed 9 lawsuits filed against Ruston from 2008-09 compared to 69 in Tacoma. One of those was a lawsuit brought by Jim Wingard about the town not following public disclosure processes correctly. A settlement on that issue was approved at the council meeting last Monday.

It appears that all Ruston's cases have been settled or dismissed from what I can tell except for three: 1) the on-going lawsuit over the casino gambling taxes (available on Ruston Reports), 2) the Baumgardner suit and 3) a suit brought by from Laura Brooks, the mother of Brandon Brooks. Brandon was killed on 51st Street when his motorcycle collided with a dump truck.

It's important to note that only the complaints are available right now, which tell only one side of the story. There will be more information and other points of view to be heard.

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