Thursday, July 9, 2009

Clarence Bundrock: 1917-2009

Ruston has a strong history. In many ways, our heritage is carried in the memories of our elder statesmen. We are losing much of that collective memory in recent years as folks move out or pass on.

One of Ruston's longest-standing couples is Clarence and Roberta Bundrock. Sadly, Clarence passed away on Independence Day this year. The military brought him to town during WWII to man one of the crash boats stationed at Point Defiance, according to his obituary in yesterday's paper.

We lose some of our community fabric when we lose friends like Clarence. Our hearts go out to Roberta and her family. Please know that we treasure your history and contributions over the many decades you have given us. May Clarence rest in peace, knowing he was an important part of the life of this little town.


Anonymous said...

Note: a common error here - loosing means letting something loose. You want to say losing.

Ruston Home said...

Thank you! I've got it corrected now.