The meeting began on time will all elected officials present. The town clerk was on vacation, so town attorney Britton opened the meeting and did the role call. A 20 minute executive session to discuss potential litigation and real estate matters was added at the end of the agenda and the Ryan Rhodes presentation was moved to the end; after which the agenda was approved. There were no minutes to approve (or background packets).
General Public Comments
Terry Knapp asked for more clocks in the room and complained about how hard it is to hear the council discussion.
Jim Wingard noted that the council is looking more like Tacoma with their desk raised above the audience. All that is missing is the bulletproof glass. He also noted the room echos and it is challenging to hear the discussion. He reviewed the casino lawsuit and warned the council not repeat their mistakes with how they treat the Unicorn Tavern.
I announced that I am starting work on a Ruston history book and asked for anyone with old photos to contact me.
Beth Torbet asked of the town could require the promoter for The Taste of Tacoma to provide garbage cans and port-a-potty's. She wanted to know when the flags would be put up on Pearl Street and asked the council to consider sprucing up the light poles in that area. Many are rusted and faded. The business district has asked Tacoma to paint crosswalks at 51st and Pearl and she hoped Ruston would support that action. She asked the council to waive the requirement for a temporary business licence from the vendors at the car show event in August.
Sherri Forch said things are just about ready to get the flags out. She has purchased all new flags and is hoping for donations to offset her costs. She encouraged the council to move their desk so they are on the same level as the audience.
Fred Byzinker wanted to know who authorized the locate company to come into his yard and spray paint. The mayor will check into the issue.
Marla Miller encouraged the town to update the message at town hall to include information about renting the community center.
Kevin Moser noted the new street lights were working on Stack Hill now and hoped the council would support the planning commissions recommendations on light standards for Ruston (Ordinance 1310).
2. Ordinance 1310 - relating to land use and zoning, removing existing lighting standards from the current code (Third Reading): The town planner explained the background and reasoning for this change. Council Member Hunt wanted to know if it would apply retroactively to existing buildings. She was told no, but the exterior lighting on The Commencement building was already out of compliance and would be required to correct the lights before a permanent occupancy permit would be issued. The ordinance passed 5-0.
3. Ordinance 1313 - requiring bike helmets in Ruston: Council Member Hedrick urged approval. Council Member questioned the definition of go-carts (which also require a helmet). The ordinance passed 5-0.
4. Ordinance 1314 - adding new chapter to Ruston code regarding adult entertainment (Second Reading): The town attorney had given a letter to the council (but not provided to the public), which the council referred to when suggesting they hold a study session on the issue "to get more details into the record." Britton indicated he would have the Lakewood police chief attend to answer questions. This ordinance looks at licencing requirements only; changes to the zoning code would be addressed by the planning commission later. A study session was set for 5:30 pm before the next meeting on June 21st.
5. Resolution 472 - accepting the 2009 town budget: Hunt wanted to know if the report would be available on the town web page. There is a cost to adding that feature and the mayor did not plan on doing it anytime soon. Copies will be available at town hall or residents can bring in a thumb drive for an electronic copy. Hedrick noted it is a good report, laid out well with sufficient details. He thanked the mayor for his long hours "getting it up to speed". Hardin asked about the note on page 6 under contingencies - litigation that there were probable errors. Mayor Hopkins said BIAS is researching that issue. Council Member Huson asked when the $118,726.24 due from developers would be paid. Hopkins reported that The Commencement had paid $30,000 and Point Ruston had paid $34,000 since this report was issued. The budget was accepted 5-0.
1. Ryan Rhodes - proposed improvements to Rust Park: Rhodes explained that his group, Pioneer Baseball Club, has been looking for a place to build a top-notch league field. Rust Play field is a great location. They would provide the funds to make the improvements in exchange for use of the field when they needed it. Rhodes provided a general map of the new layout. Jim Wingard noted that he has a old Ruston baseball jersey and that the former team was named "The Pioneers". After more discussion and questions, the council asked for a more detailed plan. Rhodes will confirm with his board about providing a detailed plan and will get the council an example contract for this type of agreement. A study session was scheduled for 6 pm on July 6th to discuss the issue on more detail.
Claims and Payroll
There were none presented.
Mayor's Time
Hopkins mentioned that the Comprehensive Plan dictates where the town can spend their $247,000 in capital improvement funds. Right now that includes street lights and parks. The plan must be updated by 2010. The town is hoping for state funding to help with the planning costs for that update.
The mayor wants to get the system in place right away to start renting the community center. Hunt and Huson agreed to work that that issue. Hopkins also noted he will be attending the AWC conference in Vancouver since the town qualifies for free admission.
Council Time
Huson supported waiving the requirement for licences for vendors at the car show. He thanked Hopkins and Moser and their wives for all their work on the community center upgrades. He asked that line item be added to the town budget for community events so the town could pay to host events like the open house last week.
Hedrick thanked everyone for their work on the community center and hoped it would be used as a place to bring people together.
Hunt also thanked everyone. She wanted to see a plaque with all the volunteer's names hanging in the center. After confirming the business district will require insurance and that vendors meet other minimum standards (like food handlers cards if needed), she supported waiving the town fees for vendors. The town attorney was directed to prepare a resolution for the next meeting.
Hardin thanked everyone and noted past elected officials that worked to make the community center a reality: Mary Joyce, Bob Everding, Del Brewer, Bob Pudlo, Dan Albertson and Wayne Stebner. He also confirmed that the new street lights on Shirley will go on both sides of the street.
Kristovich stated how much she loved this community and how we work together. She thanked the mayor for his part in that leadership.
The meeting moved into executive session for 20 minutes at about 8:20 pm. They reconvened at 8:45 pm and immediately adjourned with no further discussion.
General Public Comments
Terry Knapp asked for more clocks in the room and complained about how hard it is to hear the council discussion.
Jim Wingard noted that the council is looking more like Tacoma with their desk raised above the audience. All that is missing is the bulletproof glass. He also noted the room echos and it is challenging to hear the discussion. He reviewed the casino lawsuit and warned the council not repeat their mistakes with how they treat the Unicorn Tavern.
I announced that I am starting work on a Ruston history book and asked for anyone with old photos to contact me.
Beth Torbet asked of the town could require the promoter for The Taste of Tacoma to provide garbage cans and port-a-potty's. She wanted to know when the flags would be put up on Pearl Street and asked the council to consider sprucing up the light poles in that area. Many are rusted and faded. The business district has asked Tacoma to paint crosswalks at 51st and Pearl and she hoped Ruston would support that action. She asked the council to waive the requirement for a temporary business licence from the vendors at the car show event in August.
Sherri Forch said things are just about ready to get the flags out. She has purchased all new flags and is hoping for donations to offset her costs. She encouraged the council to move their desk so they are on the same level as the audience.
Fred Byzinker wanted to know who authorized the locate company to come into his yard and spray paint. The mayor will check into the issue.
Marla Miller encouraged the town to update the message at town hall to include information about renting the community center.
Kevin Moser noted the new street lights were working on Stack Hill now and hoped the council would support the planning commissions recommendations on light standards for Ruston (Ordinance 1310).
2. Ordinance 1310 - relating to land use and zoning, removing existing lighting standards from the current code (Third Reading): The town planner explained the background and reasoning for this change. Council Member Hunt wanted to know if it would apply retroactively to existing buildings. She was told no, but the exterior lighting on The Commencement building was already out of compliance and would be required to correct the lights before a permanent occupancy permit would be issued. The ordinance passed 5-0.
3. Ordinance 1313 - requiring bike helmets in Ruston: Council Member Hedrick urged approval. Council Member questioned the definition of go-carts (which also require a helmet). The ordinance passed 5-0.
4. Ordinance 1314 - adding new chapter to Ruston code regarding adult entertainment (Second Reading): The town attorney had given a letter to the council (but not provided to the public), which the council referred to when suggesting they hold a study session on the issue "to get more details into the record." Britton indicated he would have the Lakewood police chief attend to answer questions. This ordinance looks at licencing requirements only; changes to the zoning code would be addressed by the planning commission later. A study session was set for 5:30 pm before the next meeting on June 21st.
5. Resolution 472 - accepting the 2009 town budget: Hunt wanted to know if the report would be available on the town web page. There is a cost to adding that feature and the mayor did not plan on doing it anytime soon. Copies will be available at town hall or residents can bring in a thumb drive for an electronic copy. Hedrick noted it is a good report, laid out well with sufficient details. He thanked the mayor for his long hours "getting it up to speed". Hardin asked about the note on page 6 under contingencies - litigation that there were probable errors. Mayor Hopkins said BIAS is researching that issue. Council Member Huson asked when the $118,726.24 due from developers would be paid. Hopkins reported that The Commencement had paid $30,000 and Point Ruston had paid $34,000 since this report was issued. The budget was accepted 5-0.
1. Ryan Rhodes - proposed improvements to Rust Park: Rhodes explained that his group, Pioneer Baseball Club, has been looking for a place to build a top-notch league field. Rust Play field is a great location. They would provide the funds to make the improvements in exchange for use of the field when they needed it. Rhodes provided a general map of the new layout. Jim Wingard noted that he has a old Ruston baseball jersey and that the former team was named "The Pioneers". After more discussion and questions, the council asked for a more detailed plan. Rhodes will confirm with his board about providing a detailed plan and will get the council an example contract for this type of agreement. A study session was scheduled for 6 pm on July 6th to discuss the issue on more detail.
Claims and Payroll
There were none presented.
Mayor's Time
Hopkins mentioned that the Comprehensive Plan dictates where the town can spend their $247,000 in capital improvement funds. Right now that includes street lights and parks. The plan must be updated by 2010. The town is hoping for state funding to help with the planning costs for that update.
The mayor wants to get the system in place right away to start renting the community center. Hunt and Huson agreed to work that that issue. Hopkins also noted he will be attending the AWC conference in Vancouver since the town qualifies for free admission.
Council Time
Huson supported waiving the requirement for licences for vendors at the car show. He thanked Hopkins and Moser and their wives for all their work on the community center upgrades. He asked that line item be added to the town budget for community events so the town could pay to host events like the open house last week.
Hedrick thanked everyone for their work on the community center and hoped it would be used as a place to bring people together.
Hunt also thanked everyone. She wanted to see a plaque with all the volunteer's names hanging in the center. After confirming the business district will require insurance and that vendors meet other minimum standards (like food handlers cards if needed), she supported waiving the town fees for vendors. The town attorney was directed to prepare a resolution for the next meeting.
Hardin thanked everyone and noted past elected officials that worked to make the community center a reality: Mary Joyce, Bob Everding, Del Brewer, Bob Pudlo, Dan Albertson and Wayne Stebner. He also confirmed that the new street lights on Shirley will go on both sides of the street.
Kristovich stated how much she loved this community and how we work together. She thanked the mayor for his part in that leadership.
The meeting moved into executive session for 20 minutes at about 8:20 pm. They reconvened at 8:45 pm and immediately adjourned with no further discussion.
1 comment:
Very good indeed.
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