Thursday, December 29, 2011

News & Announcements

In case you don't religiously read your town newsletter each month, here are some tidbits from the December letter I found interesting:
  • Bradley Huson's long service to Ruston has ended, at least in an official capacity. Bradley served on the planning commission, town council and even as mayor for a brief time.
  • Dorothy Bailey was elected to Huson council seat, but has since moved to Chicago. She resigned her seat and the town is accepting applications for the open position through the end of January. This will be a two year appointment until the next regular election in 2013. Ruston residents are encouraged to submit a cover letter and resume to town hall.  This is a very important service to our community and I hope the council will have many well qualified applicants to choose from.
  • The dry weather in December allowed the sewer contractor to get a bit more work done than expected, but now that the rains have hit they will likely finish up the current work and stop until spring.
  • The town managed to end the year while holding onto $3.5 million in their surplus account (mostly from The Commencement project sale several years ago). The mayor noted that the new year still presents many challenges.
  • The fire department will be offering free CPR classes in late January. Their goal is to have every resident certified in the procedure.
  • The police department reminds everyone to be careful about putting the boxes from your snazzy new holiday gifts out in the alley. They can become advertisements to wandering thieves about the best place to target.

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