Monday, August 31, 2009

Shoreline Permit Appealed Again

The appeal on the shoreline permit for the Silver Cloud Hotel was finalized recently (available on Ruston Reports). The final decision by the state Shoreline Hearings Board, after listened to all the arguments in the appeal, ruled that Ruston's shoreline permit is consistent with shoreline regulations and the development should be allowed to proceed.

There was a 30-day window for this decision to be appealed again to superior court. That window was set to expire last Friday, but an appeal was filed late last week. I'm trying to get a copy of the appeal and more details.


Anonymous said...

Karen. Do you happen to know who is involved in this appeal process?
Do they have legal council and who might that be? Have they created a new term "NIMFY".
How much time,energy,and money must be wasted before we can move on!

Build Baby Build!

Ruston Home said...

I'm trying to get more information. I'll get it posted as soon as I can confirm the details.

Anonymous said...

The complaints in this appeal are identical to Dan. A's objections in the Ruston Town Council meetings. Could be PRO BONO? Free can be costly.