Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Council Meetings: March 16, 2009

Study Session:
I arrived at about 6:20 pm as things were wrapping up. The council wanted to know what Ruston's taxing authority was, what Ruston's credit rating was and if there were any restrictions on how the town can use any tax revenue they generate via different taxes. The mayor will arrange for someone from the AWC to provide input on the town's financial situation. The study session adjourned about 6:30 pm.

Council Meeting:
The meeting began at 7 pm with the flag salute. When it was time to approve the agenda, Council Member Huson moved to limit discussion to 10 minutes for each business item. Council Member Albertson thought it was better to not set a limit on a specific item since some will move quickly and some may require more than 10 minutes. The 10 minute limit was approved 3-2 with Council Member Stebner and Albertson voting no. Albertson then asked to have the issue of building houses on Rust Park moved on the agenda to be discussed just before the dog park. Stebner seconded his motion, but it failed 2-3. The final agenda was approved with the 10 minute limit by a vote of 3-2.

Minutes from the March 2nd meetings were approved with some minor corrections 4-0 with Albertson abstaining.

Staff Reports:
Police: Sergeant Kunkel reported that the department just completed two audits, one for training and one for the juvenile justice system to ensure the department is within state guidelines. The department is asking for applicants for the fulltime position again after the last 3 applicants either found other employment or had other problems. Oral board interviews will be conducted on Saturday for reserve officers. Calls last month included domestic violence, 911 hang ups and false alarms. The department has applied for a grant that would provide 3 printers and scanners in the patrol cars.

Fire: The fire chief was not able to make the meeting, but provided his report in writing to the council.

Ordinance 1278: Regulation of Private Alarm Systems (Second Reading)
Council members want to see a sample permit before voting on this issue. Stebner expressed his concern that the council passed the 2009 budget without making any spending cuts. He did not support anything that would increase costs to Ruston residents. The issue was tabled 5-0

Ordinance 1280: Designating Permitting of Off-Leash Areas (Second Reading)
Huson noted there were two current proposals without a plan for the exact configuration of the area or clear policy for its use. The mayor was directed to discuss the issue with the maintenance department since they use some of this area for storage and come back with a firm proposal. Council Member Hedrick asked for research on whether a single fence was sufficient or if two fences with space between would be required. The motion to table passed 5-0.

Sewer Charges: (First Reading)
After some discussion and clarification that this rate increase only passed through a recent rate increase from City of Tacoma, the first reading was waived and the increase was approved 3-1-1 with Stebner voting no and Albertson abstaining.

Resolution 439: Consenting to the City of Tacoma's Formation of LID
Albertson wanted to see the specific terms of Tacoma's LID before voting. This resolution leaves negotiation open. The bill pending in the legislature, if passed, would require approval by both jurisdictions. Hedrick noted that Tacoma passed their resolution last Tuesday. Stebner wanted the resolution to state clearly that Tacoma takes all the riskof the LID. The issue was tabled until more questions could be answered 5-0.

Discussion of COM-P Zone Maximum Height
There was no formal action needed on this issue. The council generally agreed that increasing height along Pearl Street might add incentive to encourage new development. The planning commission has discussed increasing height allowance from 35 ' to 40' only in the commercial zone along Pearl Street. Stebner wanted parking requirements increased. The planner thought the current regulations encouraged redevelopment. Council Member Hunt confirmed that Ruston's parking regulations are the same as most other communities. Mayor Hopkins mentioned that Vancouver has recently thrown out parking regulations as a way to encourage transit use. Hedrick felt he would rather have a parking problem before increasing requirements. There was some discussion of commercial vehicles parking in residential areas. That issue will be addressed by the planning commission soon.

Tacoma Recycle Contract Renewal
The current vendor is requesting a 5 year extension rather than the usual 1 year. This vendor does not accept glass. The public works supervisor recommends renewing for one year and see if the town could find a service that would take glass. The issue will be on the next agenda.

Junk Vehicles (Albertson)
Albertson felt there was a problem in parts of town with junk vehicles. After some discussion, it was decided that any vehicle that cannot start and does not have a current registration would be required to stored where it was not visible from the street. Albertson will draft an ordinance for consideration.

Fines Imposed Pertaining to Point Ruston (Albertson)
Albertson had two concerns after reading the Seattle Times story: 1) where was EPA's protection and 2) he did not like Point Ruston's reaction. Point Ruston handed out a press release before the meeting and Albertson was glad to hear they are concerned about public and worker safety. He felt that local jurisdictions should be in charge of health and safety. He wanted EPA to attend a study session and answer to their concerns. Hedrick volunteered to draft a resolution stating the council's position. Stebner asked Mr. Cohen if the rumor that there had been a fatality at the site was true. Mr. Cohen said "Of course not".

Council Member Huson's Proposal to let Point Ruston developer build houses on Rust Park (Albertson)
Albertson wanted to confirm the rumor that Huson had discussed the idea of selling Rust Park to Mr. Cohen for development. He wanted to know why the council should spend money on improvements if a sale was pending. Huson noted he had mentioned the idea several times. He felt that if Ruston gets a new park off Bennett Street, it might make sense to sell Rust Park and any other surplus property. Former Mayor Transue had suggested the same idea. Albertson thought it was a terrible idea, you can never have too much park space. Mayor Hopkins felt that liquation of the town's assets should be included in any discussion of annexation, along with exploring all options for Ruston's future.

Claims and Payroll Passed 3-0 with Albertson and Stebner abstaining

General Public Comment
JJ McCamment with Point Ruston asked the council to get their questions to her by March 29th so they could have time to address them before the meeting on April 6th. She updated the council on the status of the LID bill at the state.

Mark Schacht thanked the town for painting stripes on the road near his house. He was concerned about a bucket of tar on the roof of a nearby building. He wanted to know what the policy was for allowing Ruston police to work outside Ruston boundaries and why they were using a motorcycle given the budget crunch. It was noted the motorcycle was given to Ruston for free and maintenance costs were very low.

Doug Smith used to live in Ruston and was member of the Ironworkers Union. He felt worker safety was good at the Point Ruston site. He noted the fines were because a subcontractor had not followed Point Ruston's procedures. He felt the project was safe and would add to our community.

Mike Cohen noted the discussion of houses on Rust Park was a casual conversation of trading the OCF Park for Rust Park and building affordable housing to meet Ruston’s requirements.

Loren Cohen stated that EPA was concerned with safety as is their team. New procedures were put in place as soon as this problem was discovered.

Terry Knapp wanted to know if there had been any valuation of Rust Park done yet.

I encouraged the council to use their time and energy to find solutions to the budget deficit rather than on annexation discussions with Tacoma.

Lyle Hardin wanted to know if Ruston had any liability for how the park is being used currently. If so, he felt the town should address it immediately even before a formal decision was made on a dog park. He was sure any vendor offering glass recycling would charge for that service.

Mayor's Time
He had written a letter to Tacoma as instructed asking to discuss services and annexation. The council had a copy for their review. He will be sending a similar letter to Pierce County to discuss the same issues. He wanted to talk with South Prairie, another small community that has survived hard times to see if they could offer any advice. He noted the deficit this year did not mean bankruptcy was eminent, but caution was needed. He wants to see as much research as possible to ensure that Ruston exists and continues to exist. The town planner noted he is getting interest from developers wanting to locate here outside of Point Ruston.

Council Time
Stebner wanted the mayor to get the letter out to Tacoma soon. He wanted to see if Metro Parks would be interested in using Rust Park for baseball games. He felt all agenda items added by council members should have their name listed.

Huson confirmed the Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 11th. Volunteers are needed.

Albertson asked that the council be informed when the letter is sent to Tacoma.

Hunt noted the cost for candy and breakfast is expensive. There should be money set aside for the event in the town budget and citizens can make donations.

The meeting adjourned about 8:50 pm.

1 comment:

Ruston Home said...

A comment came in complaining that the mayor has not sent the letter to Tacoma yet.