Here is what I found of interest at the meeting tonight. I encourage everyone to attend for yourself and see how Ruston goverment works. ~ KarenWith the mayor excused from the meeting, Clerk-Treasurer Carlisle called the meeting to order at 7 pm. Council Member Hedrick was appointed as mayor pro-tem. The agenda had been amended before the meeting and was amended again by removing business item 3 until the mayor could be present. Item 3 was a resolution to appoint Sgt. Kunkel as police chief. The amended agenda and information is available on
Ruston Reports here..... The motion to remove the police chief discussion was approved 3-2 with Stebner and Albertson voting no, and the final agenda was approved 5-0. The minutes were approved without comment 5-0.
Staff Reports
Police: Sgt. Kunkel was out on a call, so he gave his report later in the meeting.
Fire: Chief Torbet clarified that the department had 2 fire related and 7 medical aid calls in August and 2 fire and 4 medical aid calls in September. The police and fire department will be hosting an open house on Halloween night from 5 to 8 pm – giving candy to the kids and coffee to the grown ups. Volunteers are welcome. The fire department will be getting their swine flu shots this week and the chief urged everyone to take this threat seriously.
Public CommentTerry Knapp did not think that the police chief appointment should have been postponed.
Dan Wombacher expressed concern about the town planner’s requirement that he subdivide his property in order to build as he is proposing.
Jim Wingard thought that the police chief appointment should not have been delayed. He thought that Albertson was only speaking for Jobs for Justice on the environmental issue and not acting the best interest of the town.
As a resident only, I expressed concern about Albertson’s portrayal of the environmental issues at the last meeting.
Beth Torbet noted that soil remediation is on-going, with the park only being done this year. The properties are obviously prioritized. She noted EPA was not at the meeting tonight as expected and was concerned they had not been invited to speak until after the campaign season was over.
Staff ReportPolice: With darkness arriving earlier each day, Sgt. Kunkel encouraged everyone to slow down and turn on their lights whenever the wipers come on to increase visibility. They are doing interviews tomorrow for the open fulltime position. The grant for body armor has been approved and the new vests ordered.
1. Ordinance No. 1297 – 2009 Budget Amendment (Second Reading): This budget amendment addressed funding for the street light project and was approved 5-0.
2. Environmental Issues (Albertson): EPA will attend the next council meeting on November 2nd. The mayor had suggested a study session at 6 pm with Citizens For A Healthy Bay invited as well. The town clerk will put a notice of the special study session in the next town newsletter.
4. Ordinance No. 1298 – Adoption of the 2006 International Fire Code (First Reading): The town attorney had thought this had been adopted at a previous meeting but could not find a record that it had been passed, so it being brought back again. He did not think the town had authority to force a fire inspection.
5. Ordinance No. 1299 – Creating a new Chapter 5.10 in the Ruston Municipal Code Relating to Utility Tax Rates (First Reading): The town attorney explained that this ordinance will place a Ruston tax to the full rate allowed by state law on all electrical, natural gas, steam energy and telephone services (including cell phones). Hunt explained that these taxes will go into the general fund to pay for general public services like police and fire, whereas money charged for the utility (like electricity) could only be used for that utility. She noted that if we lived in Tacoma we would be paying at least as much in these taxes right now.
Hedrick wanted to see a fiscal note on the financial impact to the town budget, which he will prepare for the second reading. Stebner was opposed to any tax increase when the town has not attempted to make any budget cuts. Hedrick was concerned about raising taxes without enhancing services as part of that package. Albertson wanted the fiscal note to include clarification about where in the town budget the new taxes would be applied. Hedrick confirmed with the town attorney that public comment would be allowed at the next meeting during deliberations on this issue (separate from public comment).
Claims and payroll were approved 3-1-1 with Stebner voting no and Albertson abstaining.
Council TimeStebner had received a citizen complaint that the microphones for the mayor and town attorney were not working on the town’s recording of the meeting. He expressed his support for Kunkel to be the new police chief.
Huson had received two calls from residents complaining about the exterior lighting on the Commencement building. Hedrick noted that the mayor was going to talk to their management about dark sky maintenance (pointing lighting downward only).
Hedrick noted he also supports Kunkel as police chief but wanted to wait until the mayor could be at the meeting to discuss the issue.
Albertson said the council should have voted on the resolution appointing Kunkel as police chief tonight. He objected to some of Hunt’s earlier comments. He also expressed strong opposition to comments given by “someone who operates blogs in town”.
Hunt apologized for some of her comments about Sgt. Kunkel and expressed support for him as police chief. She had been motivated by a concern for full disclosure and making these important decisions openly.