Thursday, July 31, 2008

Point Defiance Casino Hearing

There will be a hearing tomorrow for Point Defiance Cafe and Casino's lawsuit against the Town of Ruston at 10 am in Judge Hogan's courtroom (Room 2-C). Joan Mell, attorney for the casino, said they are asking the judge void the tax increase imposed by the council.

If you have some free time tomorrow, stop in. It should be interesting to hear the arguments and see how the new town attorney does in court. ~ Karen


James Wingard said...

For result see CABAL VS. CASINO on RustonTruth.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Ruston Home said...

I've re-posted a couple of comments with some of the words removed - trying to maintain that "civil" standard. ~ Karen

I hope you ____ running this city feel good now.There are many of us out of work thanks to you tax increase.Yes thats right we had to close our pit games due to you taxing greed,I hope you all feel proud of yourselves now that you have put alot of people out of work.Raise taxes,lose jobs and tax revenue. And put 40 people on state unemployment.You are all really responsible you ____.

I hope the lose of tax revenue means all the council people have to pay for their own toilet paper now.You are all so ____ distgusting as elected officials.

Ruston Home said...

Another re-post. ~ Karen

Hey how about a junk food tax next. Maybe you can raise more tax dollars off of every candy bar and bag of chips and soda sold in this damn town. How about taxing people in town that own more than 1 vehicle? Where will you _____ stop.
I hope all the employees sue the crap out of this town.

Anonymous said...

Coarse references and lack of speaking to issues are allowed in most of the postings by the blog administrator. It seems that 'Comment deleted' is only something she has been using the last couple of days; but it's closing the barn door after the cows have escaped. Sad.

Anonymous said...

This blog is open to all Anon, even to you. In your squeaky clean world of the RC all dissent is scrubbed away and not allowed to exist. You remind me of China where the watchers manipulate the media and claim that there are no problems. The last thing you can countenance is the free and open expression of ideas. At least give one of your crew the general idea and have them post your vindictive pap. Your phrasing is a fingerprint to the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Whoopsie! Forgot to include my name. It is Craig. Something you pointy headed types are afraid to do. But then, you were afraid of our former police chief as well. I think you ought to be afraid of this chief too. Reading your eyes when you lie is just hysterical. They start rolling like a slot machine while you try to remember your lie. If you don't lie, you needn't remember anything.
My name is Craig Fletcher and you Anon, are a troll.

Anonymous said...

Golly darn it, I can't please everybody all the time, try as I might. Just to clarify (although I hate to respond to comment 6 above) I am on the road right now and wasn't able to get to the blog until yesterday evening. Some comments sat longer than usual before I reviewed them.

I am working my way through defining this fine line of what comments are allowed and which are not. I can't keep everyone happy, but I appreciate everyone's patience as our readership and pool of commenters continues to grow. Like it or not, I get to determine when the cows have left the barn, even if it means not everyone agrees with me.

Anonymous said...

You're doing and have done a great job. Remember this is USA (even if you live in Ruston) and if people don't like it don't open it, don't read it or don't comment on it. Hey RC remember when you were the only game in Town and how you controlled it. Karen you've just given everyone the tool to vent or the ability to speak, after that it's up to them, NOT YOU!

Anonymous said...

Golly darn it, you're right again, Miss K. You just cain't please everyone all the time no matter how you try. Guess you will just have to keep closing them thar barn doors every night after more cattle have stampeded all over other people's views and personalities you don't like.