Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thoughts For Today

“It’s not political dialogue, it’s shameful!” So says Council Member Albertson, who does not like the caricature of a fellow council member on the free-speaking Ruston Truth blog. Nor does he think I am entitled to discuss civility since I provide a link to this offensive material on this blog. It doesn’t matter that this page also links to Albertson’s favored Ruston Connection (RC) site, where many offensive (dare I say even shameful) lies have been promoted under the guise of “advocacy”.

Mr. Albertson has his own shame issues. In January, he misled the public about a supposed contract he was negotiating with Tacoma Fire. Rather than face the music when it was discovered Tacoma had withdrawn their offer, he used the next meeting to berate Ruston’s fire chief, asking him repeatedly to provide reasons why the council should continue to explore using Tacoma. His actions rank right up there on the “shameful” scale.

I’m not going to defend this picture that Albertson dislikes. It’s a much stronger expression than I am comfortable with. But I will defend our right to express what we think even if it makes me uncomfortable. We don’t all think alike - thank God. Some of us react with force to censorship (the basis for this picture). I’ve learned to allow for these personality differences. Elected officials need to do the same and take the criticism along with the praise for their actions. It’s all part of the reality of politics.

I hope these blogs will provide various formats that encourage dialogue. Some people like the hard-hitting exchanges, some want to focus our collective memories, some like the timely presentation here on Ruston Home. These are open conversation about the issues that are important to us.

In time, I hope even the RC faithful will join in. We are a better community not only when all voices are allowed to speak, but are heard. Just because some of us get labeled “caged animals” by council members does not make our views less valuable. It’s time to get beyond how the message is delivered to what is being said.

Those are my thoughts for today. What are yours?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Karen, I really appreciate that you provide links to topics that are connected to the current events affecting our town. It really helps me sort out what is going on within our community. I can not make it to all of these meetings so I really apreciate your reports of the meetings.
When the next election comes up I will be much more atuned to who is who & what is important bcuase of your unbiased input! Thank You!