Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ruston #2 In Home Value Increases

The News Tribune has tabulated home value increases from 2004 to 2008. Ruston, at 84%, was second only to Pacific at 112% during the same time period. The little green card from the assessor office each year already told us this fact, but its interesting to see how we compare to the rest of the county.


Anonymous said...

Hum...there just migt be something to this Point Ruston and Commencement thing.All these years I thought Ruston was a vast polluted waste land,with views as far as the eye could see.

Do they know something we don't?

Anonymous said...

Remember that Ruston lagged way behind all other areas for the longest time.Back in the day people
didn't give it much of a thought.

Now some are wishing they would have thought a little more.