Friday, March 14, 2008

Egg Stuffing

Sherri Forch is calling out the troops to help stuff plastic eggs tomorrow for the Easter Egg Hunt:

Hop Hop Hop.. it's time to play Easter bunny. I need about 23 people *(at least) to stuff eggs on Saturday March 15th at 1 pm at the Town Hall (5117 N. Winnifred). I have tables, chairs are there, we can set up an assembly line~ if ea ch person stuff s 100 eggs, we can do all 2,300 in an afternoon. That's my goal. This is doable with everyone's help.

Bring your neighbors, bring your friends, this is an old time barn raisin' social...everyone is welcome and appreciated.

Thanks...... Sherri. See you Saturday..


Anonymous said...

Fun stuffage of egg-like containers. Fast and right sociable too. Two babies, two dogs and a dozen adults.

Anonymous said...

Great event! Thanks to Sherri and all the Bunny Crew once again. I think we had more babies scrabbling for eggs this year and I did see more former residents showing up as well. Had a great time but far more importantly, the kids had a great time.