Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Flushed Away - Opinion

Spielberg did a cute movie last year about rats that get ‘flushed away’ into a nice, clean underground world. But it’s not so pretty in real life when hard work, dedication and duty are flushed down the toilet. Ruston’s council repeated their flushing of the fire department twice at their last meeting. It’s getting pretty stinky, in my opinion.

1) Council member Stebner issued a list of demands for the fire department, demands that had been met by the fire committee that he served on. His list flushed away a year’s worth of work from a well-qualified committee who gave of their expertise and precious time. The committee didn’t reach the same conclusions as Stebner, and since he has all the power right now, he flushed their findings down the commode.
2) Besides the countless hours Chief Torbet gives to train and serve on the fire department, he sacrificed many more hours to located one heck of a deal on a fire engine ($27,000 for a repossessed engine worth twice that amount). If the council had one ounce of integrity or real concern about public safety, we would be picking up that engine right now.

Just my opinion ~ what’s yours?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Council Member Stebner continues to harass Chief Torbet now with the help of a lawyer. Neither one of them have the chops to do anything that would serve the greater good of a community. Neither one will offer a coherent reason why the Ruston should be put in greater danger. When you hear them talk about the Fire Department, its clear that there is no depth behind their thought process. They have no medical experience and refuse to listen to anyone who does.
They will continue to weaken the Fire department as much as they can in hopes that they can still get what they want. Tacoma refused to offer a contract with these guys because they were a joke with no credibility.
Now they hope to get what they want by weakening the Fire Department. They waste the Town's treasury on useless lawsuits rather than strengthening the Ruston Fire Department. When they get rid of the Fire department, their plan will be to go to Tacoma, say that Ruston no longer has a Fire Department, and beg them to take our money to provide Emergency services. I hope people realize that they are terrible stewards of the safety of Ruston residents.
Tom Ferrer, MD