Friday, February 29, 2008

Ruston Playfield

The WR Rust Playfield has evolved into an off-lease dog park in recent years. Last year, a dog attacked a deer in the park and the deer had to be put down. It was an upsetting event for neighbors in the area.

The mayor responded with a proposal to install a fence along the outside of the field so there would be a fully enclosed area for dogs to run, which was approved by the council (at the same meeting the proposal was presented). There was concern at the time that not enough public notice was given to this action that essentially codified the change to an off-lease dog park.

Ryan Kress, chair of the park committee, said they are looking at installing the fence and improving the drainage this year. The park committee is hoping to meet the second Saturday in March and/or April. You can contact Ryan for more details at

What are your thoughts about the park? About the change to a dog park? Any memories you'd like to share?


Jen said...

There is a definite need for a North-end off leash dog park. It's good to see the city of Ruston acting proactively to adapt to the needs of dog owners.

Anonymous said...

Fences usually do not stop the deer. When they have a mind to do it, they seem to be able to "fly over" them to eat the roses and the apples. Fences only slow them down a bit.

cranky feller said...

The Ruston playfield is just that. A playfield for children of responsible adults. If there is such a need for a dog park in Ruston, then look at the fenced area just to the East of the existing playfield. I am sure that Ruston dog owners and other folks would be more than happy to help clear that land for the dog run and it belongs to the town.

While we are at it, maybe we could come to some agreement with BNSF regarding their wedge and work on getting the drainage project done in there too. There are still many people in town willing to get their hands dirty for the benefit of the town while the others formulate their next lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

With so many new babies in our Town it sure would be nice to have a park were the children could play safely and the parents of our community could get to know each other.

Point Defiance is a great park with slides and all but it does not have the closness our new families deserve.

Yes, I love dogs too and recognize their need to run butI believe children and families come first.

I am in agreement with cranky feller in that there is an area appropriate for dogs off leash to the east of the playfield. With community involvement we could make it a great place for pets to run freely.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, most of the dog owners do not live in Ruston. I have seen one woman show up with a van back up blocking the exit and letting loose at least 20 dogs onto the playfield. If you even walked up above they would charge up to the fence snarling trying to get at you. No cleanup done either. They need to make a decision soon. THIS RUSTON PLAYFIELD IS VERY DANGEROUS, UNSAFE FOR SMALL CHILDREN!!!!

Anonymous said...


East side of playfield – better choice, and let those who want it donate to it. It’s also separated from the children’s playing area reducing liability and safety concerns. The soil can be prepared to handle fecal matter and urine, unless you want Commercial Street to smell it. Do your research – it’s not cheap.

Once again, it looks like our elected officials don’t care about our town staff, their work place is smaller than the dog park. They’re going to spend more money on a dog park than on the employee's work environment.

$10,000 (dog park) + $36,000 (lost Commencement rent) + $$?? (failed lawsuit) = renovated town hall or free fire truck or sidewalk upgrades and the list goes on.

And Jen – not a Ruston resident - wants us to pay for a dog park for the north end of Tacoma, just what I want to do. If it’s such a good idea let’s issue a press release to the papers and TV stations so the whole county can come and enjoy it.

Ruston Home said...

My biggest concern is that this decision was made without very little public input. I think something that is this valuable to our community deserves some time, thought and planning. I hope the park committee might take some time to survey folks or hold meetings to get some input. Together, I think we can decide the best use of that space.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I live just outside of Ruston and we are big animal lovers, we have a bulldog puppy. We would love a dogpark in the area. We frequent Rogers Park in East Tacoma and it is nice there, and there are clear signs with Animal Control phone numbers to report an agressive animal. Also, I can't imagine anyone being so rude as to let their animal deficate without picking it up, without observant eyes to report and scold the dog owner. This is the case at Rogers. We just don't want to drive all the way there with the cost of gasoline. There are many responsible down owners with non-agressive dogs. Let's let our dogs socialize with each other and have some off leash doggie time in the area ...

Anonymous said...

Wow, it sounds like Ruston, in fact, is not the "dog-friendly" city that it's known to be on the internet. Why is there such strong anti-dog attitudes from the commentors on this blog post?

Point Defiance doesn't have the "closeness" that you seek? There's no sense of entitlement in that statement. Point Defiance is a great park for humans, it has many large areas for MANY families to share within the community.

CatLover has no bias at all in her statement. Yes, all dogs are completely dangerous around kids - let's make a generally stupid statement about a group of animals you know nothing about. That's almost as bad as making a stereotypical statement about a group of people in our society. Grow up.

If Ruston wants people from Tacoma and other communities to spend MONEY in their community they're going to have to provide the amenities that attract those people - dog owners have expendable income to spend, but I definitely wouldn't spend my money in Ruston after reading these spiteful comments from its residents.

It's not like a strip club has been opened up next door to your homes, it's a dog park people, get over it.

I don't think I'd feel comfortable taking my dog to Ruston in the first place, and I definitely am not supporting their community with my hard earned money after reading this crap. The attitude represented in these comments are definitely not reflective of the piece of "small town America" they claim to be in any way. There's definitely no welcome mat for dogs in your community, and dogs have always been a part of small town America.