Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Frame It! (Opinion)

Today's editorial in the News Tribune about Ruston ought to framed and hung over the mantle of every house in town, or at least in home of our leaders.

"But overcoming Ruston’s challenges will require town officials to develop a comprehensive financial strategy."

This type of planning has been advocated for years by many in town. Even beyond the financial plan, we need a full strategic plan that outlines who we want to become and steps to achieve those goals.

Creating yet another plan seems tedious. But in order to create this one, we would have to actually come together and talk. We would have to think beyond our petty differences. We'd have to let go of the bitterness and try to listen. At least that would be the ideal way to create such a plan, with everyone participating. The plan could be developed by a hand-selected group that only listens to itself ~ as is the norm around here for the last few years. But there is no hope of success with such a closed-minded vision.

My MBA culminating project in 2005 focused on just this issue (here and here). The three main recommendations for dealing with the upheaval and change underway in Ruston were 1) develop a vision, 2) communicate that vision and 3) ensure organizational fit (set up systems to deal with conflict, address issues around the shift in our internal culture for example). It breaks my heart to see the destruction we faced years ago multiplied now.

"Ruston has a fighting chance, if only it would stop fighting with itself."

The in-fighting is killing us. But everyone has to stop fighting for this to be effective. The problem is that every compromise that is offered to this council is plummeted into the ground, every "unapproved" voice is publicly berated, every enemy is ridiculed or killed. That's no way to 'advocate' for our community.

Our best hope is that Council Members Stebner, Huson, Albertson and Hunt will heed these wise words from the Tribune's editorial board. Maybe a framed copy for each of them isn't a bad idea.


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