Thursday, May 8, 2008

Trouble For Point Ruston

The News Tribune is reporting that Point Ruston and Tacoma are being sued by a group of mostly local labor activists. They claim problems in the permits issued by Tacoma, but the move comes after Cohen refused to sign a 99-year agreement promising "living wages" and "affordable housing" with Jobs For Justice.


Anonymous said...

Where is all this toxic dust that the Jobs for Justice speak of?

Has anyone seen any Asarco soil spills around Town?

15% of the most pristine waterfront set aside for low income housing?

What ever happened to working hard
and getting ahead.Maybe even being
proud of yourself.

We have enough entitlement programs already.
How dare you not add room service to your list of demands.

The developer is taking tremendous
risk on this project.With that comes reward,hopefully.

There are more suitable places for low income housing.

These propreties should be sold at market value rates.Not one dime less.

Anonymous said...
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Ruston Home said...
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Ruston Home said...

The last comment tipped past the "keep it civil" balance to me. I've re-posted most of the comment here. Thanks for your cooperation on this issue, everyone! Thanks ~ Karen

Labor Unions and Entitlement junkies drive me nuts.

Everything needs to be handed to these pansies and if it isn't, they'll sue.

If you work hard and you're valuable to your company, you'll be paid what you're worth. If you don't work hard and slack off, you'll get paid less. That's how this world works.

Anonymous said...

I will avoid venting here. If someone wants a higher paying job, then they need to train for it or work their way up the ladder and it takes years. Jobs With Justice does not represent any realistic solutions to labor management problems I have had to do with. If you want a job as a security guard, you must accept that it does not pay well.....ever! That's why the security companies really like retired people, especially ones with medical and a monthly check.

I think I'll join Jobs With Justice and have them help me get a job as a neurosurgeon, it's really unfair that I don't make as much as them.