Thursday, August 14, 2008

Civil Service Commission: August 14, 2008

The regular civil service commission meeting was held tonight despite the fact the meeting room was not opened for the commission and Commissioner Walker, the mayor, clerk, police chief and legal counsel did not attend. Commission chair Maglione and Commissioner Anderson met in the hallway.

Maglione has been trying to get by-laws adopted for well over a month now. She is concerned that the commission needs to get organized and start its work immediately, considering the many important issues they have pending. No action was taken tonight even though there was a quorum present. The commission meets again in a month (September 11th) - on the second Thursday of every month, unless a special meeting is called earlier so the commission can adopt by-laws.


Anonymous said...

With all the other big things going on why do we care about civil service? Doesn't sound like anyone else cares.

Anonymous said...

your right..........

Anonymous said...

The lawyer for Chief Reinhold will love this. Not having a civil service commission and following the rules is part of his claim.

Where do the two lawyers for the town stand on this?

Anonymous said...

Good question. How about the mayor complaining about the old mayor not having this done. Just another picture. Same issue. LOL

Anonymous said...

Two lawyers? For Reinhold or the Town? It must be Ruston, we like paying for lawyers. This lawsuit looks the same, and look how it turned out.

How much is in Ruston's bank?