Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Ruston voters will decide today if we should change the form of government for the town. I hope everyone will vote and have a say in this important decision. Absentee ballots must be mailed today or vote in person at Point Defiance Village on Vassault Street. ~ Karen

UPDATE: Election results are available on Pierce County auditor's web page (click here). As of 8:30 pm, absentee ballots through today show 50 Ruston voters want to change to a council/manager form of government and 48 want to keep an elected mayor. Ballots that were cast in person at the precinct polling place are due to be counted and added in by 10:30 pm tonight.

UPDATE, 10:45 pm: It's another Ruston nail biter. The count is now 55 in favor of changing, 60 against. There is another update scheduled for midnight, but I'm not planning on staying up. The final update hits at 3 am. In the last election in Ruston, we had one council member elected by 8 votes, with the late absentee ballots playing a big role in his victory. Every vote counts around here!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Karen.I almost forgot where to vote.

Anonymous said...

Council manager form of gov't: 50
Mayor council form of gov't: 48

This town is split - again. The fun continues.

Anonymous said...

It would be more fun if we could find common ground and learn to negotiate so everyone felt they gained something. We'll see...

Anonymous said...

10:46 60 against manager/council. 55 for manager/council.to close to call.

Anonymous said...

It's looking like we are going to need a new Mayor.

Anonymous said...

It's looking like we are going to need a new Mayor.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame more people did not vote on this important issue. It is something that will affect everyone in this town.

Anonymous said...

82-63 against. Tough finding a new mayor with this crowd. Saved $100,000 though.

Casino tax resulted in net $30,000 TAX LOSS!!! Haven't heard a peep about new taxes to make up the previous shortfall and the additional loss.

Casino lawyer must love this, the cabal testifying against the town of Ruston.

Anonymous said...

You think you saved 100K? We saved much more than that, where was his office going to be? You think old Town Hall could handle one more person? Everding was right, he did restructure staff LOL. Oops, I forgot to be civil LMAO