Monday, August 4, 2008

Casino Update

The News Tribune had a brief story today on the casino operation closing.

UPDATE, 8:55 pm: I just spoke to Steve Farbe, owner of Point Defiance Cafe and Casino. He confirmed that the hearing on Friday (asking for an injunction to temporaly halt the tax increase until it could be heard in court) was postponed until October. One of the casino's arguments was that the council did not follow their own rules when they waived the second reading. Their rules require that a second reading can only be overturned with agreement from 4 of the 5 council members. Council Member Stebner was absent, so the vote to skip the second reading was 3 to 1.

Ruston would not stipulate to this 3 to 1 vote at the hearing (I think that means they would not agree that it was accurate). The judge wants a transcript of the meeting rather than the audio recording that was offered.

Mr. Farbe was not sure how many employees were laid off when he closed the casino operations. Because of the uncertianty of continued operatons, several people have moved on to new jobs in the last couple of weeks. He was sure it was "at least dozens" that were laid off this weekend.


Anonymous said...

You should have been there. Hate to say it but his attorney really blew it. Hopefully they'll have another chance in October.

James Wingard said...

I was there. It was three against one. The Casino didn't have a prayer with this judge who seemed delighted to put 20-40 people out of work.

This was Dan Albertson's show from start to finish with his neighbor David Britton adhering strictly to the cabal line.

A mere stipulation, yes, to the three to one vote in the council would have saved the town thousands for a rehearing and possibly millions in the lawsuit that followed.

But David will get paid twice for the same hearing and the cabal gets another lawsuit on their agenda to bankrupt the town.

Hey anon, come out of the closet. There were three people in attendance, myself and two casino employees. What desk were you under. Good try though.

Is that you Dan or one of your surrogates?

Anonymous said...

Here's how pompous councilman Albertson is. He is willing to let all the foolish people in Ruston spend more on town attorney fees than any tax revenue that would have been collected from the casino.

How are we going to raise revenue to pay the town attorney?

How are we going to make up the lost revenue from the casino?

Neither Albertson, Huson, or Everding had the guts to answer those questions in the News Tribune story.

Anonymous said...

You first two anonymouses and Wingard are all pretty funny. You each complain that the court sabotaged the casino, and then Wingard turns on one of you and tries to rip an ally apart; and another of you goes on automatic rapid fire on the council and mayor. You're chewing each other up and looking just plain crazy as a group. I have met the cabal and it is you. Come out of the closet.

Anonymous said...

We should learn to be careful what we ask for - welcome to the Funky Monkey!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm really impressed about how shortsighted some of the people of Ruston are. The casino operation has brought more problems to the town than it has brought benefits to our town(ie. emergency services). Wouldn't we as a town be better off by trying to attract an attractive restaurant at the casino's place? (Obviously that could only be achieved by offering an attractive surrounding) Last time I checked the City of Tacoma is collecting more than 350k from Anthony's down at P.D.

Or could it be that some of you are just backwards, trying to cling to the "good old days", attacking the council/mayor whenever they get a chance. If I recall right, the MAJORITY (and yes, sometimes accepting the fundamentals of democracy can be hard and painful) of the voters in Ruston voted for the council members. So instead of calling them names, how about an honest attempt to work together as a town.
If you are not able to follow the prinicipals of democracy, then maybe we are better of getting swallowed by Tacoma. It is quite obvious that you the complaining MINORITY are the cancer of Ruston!

Anonymous said...

Where have you been hiding? "The casino operation has brought more problems to the town than it has brought benefits to our town(ie. emergency services)" ?? And what problems would those be? I think you mean the "Showboat" that was once there before the Casino. Do you have police stats to back up all these "problems"? And what nice restaurant would want to set up shop in Ruston now? And what about Coles tavern? That was suppose to be a nice restaurant too. But yet it still sits vacant...yawn. Any other dumb assumptions?

Anonymous said...

Regardless of what story you believe, please check your voting history and minutes. Most of the current members were not voted in but were appointed. I'll leave it up to you to guess as to why.

Please provide me with solid facts as to what problems the casino has caused. I'm ready to listen.

Anonymous said...

The casino was great. The casino is behind your house and has no card tables.You think it has been a real problem but then again you have not been here long enough to know a real problem. Will, now its time to rock and roll. The base so loud it will rock your windows untill 1:45 AM. Talk about noise, loud voices, garbage, spin out, fights, and yes drunks. They will be going there to drink and PARTY.
Yea....... Lets Rock On

Anonymous said...

Tacoma is designated 1.9% from the state from its business sales tax. In reality, it receives about 20% of that (.0038%). Anthony's would have to do $90,000,000 (!) in sales tax in order for Tacoma to receive $342,000 in sales tax! Either you RC people are blatant liars or just mathematically inept.

Anonymous said...

Or both ! JC Penny math?

Anonymous said...

Math is difficult, isn't it. Twenty percent of 1.9% Sales tax would be 0.38% !!!
But now it's clear why Ruston is nearly bancrupt. It think it's more than clear, who's mathematically inept.


Anonymous said...

There are two very different visions of Ruston. Some (very few, in reality) want Ruston's image to be one of casinos and, lets not forget, "go-go dancers", with a mayor who puts his corrupt and unqualified buddy in as police chief. Then there are those who want the people who work for the Town to be competent and professional. Maybe even a Council who look after the interests of all of the people in Town, not just their friends. Surprising how loud a few can scream in favor of their own little club.

Anonymous said...

A quick math lesson for all:

1.9% = .019

20% = 0.2

therefore: 20% of 1.9% = 0.2*0.019 = .0038

Anonymous said...

The accusations fly around so easily but people don't give the facts. It's just more fun to imagine or tell stories about what you want to believe. Is this the Bill Walker variety of character assassination? He sure kept busy running around town soliciting people who would support his prejudices. this about the most recent mayor who hired a smiling con man? Did you forget that one? Or how about the mayor who had a thieving court clerk working for the town? Or is this about the most recent mayor who couldn't even ask his police chief for his version of events. Sometimes I'm so disgusted by some of you. Open minds absorb more than closed minds, you don't have to believe but listen and QUESTION!

Anonymous said...

AGREED! unfortunately so many people in this town are closed minded and arrogant towards their beliefs that no one IS asking the important questions!

- Like where are the budget cutbacks going to be now that we don't see the casino taxes?

Now, I'm not pro-gambling but I don't try to legislate my morality either... isn't that what America is all about anyway?
I've never even been to the Casino personally, but even i see the holes in the council's logic. If they don't want a casino, put it toward a public vote. Don't falsely a claim of necessity for funding when you tax the black sheep that can't afford it, and force a shutdown. All it does is make you look ignorant or like you have a hidden agenda.
And as far as those claims with drunks at 3am and families losing money. Let us not forget the NOISY Unicorn which is louder on any given day on my walks than the casino ever has been - Not to mention the drunks at 1:30 AM speeding off the gravel lot. And as far as gambling goes, theres always going to be pulltabs, lottery, and tribal casinos... For those truly against families losing their paychecks - target the Emerald Queen - Ive personally seen way more than a hand-full of people walk away with nothing - and they're the ones with a family of 4 to support!
In the end, all I see is a personal vendetta against a business that was no worse than the noisy bar we all love to hate or the large tribal casino just 15 min down the road. But yet we complain and take action more about our neighboring casino than the real issues... just doesn't make sense to me...

Anonymous said...

Sure, let's put it to a public vote. Do we want casinos in Ruston or not?

Anonymous said...

Not trying to be cynical here, but it seems that 2 of the anonymous aren't capable of simple math. You are both off by miles.
Nevertheless, isn't it time to get our differences out of the way and start saving Ruston.

So, as I am not an elected person or one of the hate/love bloggers, just a simple idea from a simple mind:

How about everyone interested in a conversation, trying to get a consensus meet and without council, mayor, we as a town bring up our points and arguments and at the end of the day after compromises on both sides are achieved, we start to live as a Town of One; peaceful, respectful and with the love and dedication that has made our town the place all of us call HOME...

Anonymous said...

Great idea! And for that to happen, certain people would have to stop yelling at council members and calling them nazis and evil and ignorant and stupid and...what else have you called them Karen? When you haven't been busy giving everyone in Town lessons on civility. We've already done what is suggested - and had an election. How many votes did you get Karen?

Charlene said...

I have been reading this blog and I have not seen Karen call anyone names. Your comments are just as evil and ignorant and stupid as you accused her of. How in the world can we have a conversation and reach a consensus if we can't get past name calling?

Karen and I haven't always agreed, sometimes we did :-) but those differences don't matter. What mattered was we wished and worked for the town's best interest. I appreciate and thank her for providing this blog and for exposing herself to the hate and evil being directed at her.

Thank you Karen.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the kind words, Charlene. I'm not worried about the negative comments (although it’s nice to get the positive ones, too). In part I think these really negative personal attacks are because some folks are feeling threatened. And I think we need to take the bad with the good. The importance of having this open venue for discussion far outweighs the few negative comments. We can build consensus despite the few outliers. Maybe that's what is so threatening to some.

Anonymous said...

"Not trying to be cynical here, but it seems that 2 of the anonymous aren't capable of simple math. You are both off by miles."

I'm confused - didn't you mean to say 2 of the anon's were right? the "quick math lesson" comment seemed to explain it fairly well to me.

Anonymous said...

Not sure how many votes Karen got, but she did get votes. How many votes did Jane Hunt get? Oh wait, thats right, none. And how many votes did Everdong get? Oh wait, thats right, none. So now what were you saying about the election? Hold an election tomorrow and see who gets the votes... Judgement day will come to the current council. (Hendrick will be the only one saved).

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget Karen was elected to tje council in a past life. Not sure of year.

Anonymous said...
