Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Update On Battle Over Stack Hill Admendments

Mike Cohen pointed out tonight that it was not accurate to say that Point Ruston had filed a lawsuit against the Town of Ruston over the Stack Hill plat amendments. The town attorney had used those terms at last night's council meeting to describe the legal action Point Ruston filed yesterday.

A lawsuit implies damages. This legal action by Point Ruston was a land use action that is set up under state law to correct decisions that Point Ruston feels were unfair and unreasonable. These types of actions have to be filed within 21 days of the land use decision. That deadline was yesterday (August 12th).

I think that was the jist of it. We'll watch how this one plays out and get a good legal lesson in the process. ~ Karen


James Wingard said...

Karen, Ruston does not have a Town Attorney!!!! Are you referring to the SPECIAL LEGAL COUNSEL hired by Dan Albertson(his neighbor)and the Town Council???

The former Town Attorney and any future Town Attorney will be hired by the Mayor!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize that Mr. Albertson lived on Court Street. Court Street is where the Town's 'special legal counsel' lives. Are you implying, then, that you, Jim, are the 'special legal counsel'? Because you do own the property right next door to the council member, on Commercial Street, don't you and technically are his neighbor?

Anonymous said...

Point Ruston v. Town of Ruston. Sounds like he is suing the town to me. What a guy!

James Wingard said...

I got this information from the RC "...a neighbor to all of us;". See below:

Court Street resident is the new Town’s Legal Services Counsel
Posted Tue, 06/17/08 @ 05:51 by editor

"The Town Council has hired ‘local’ and entered into a contract with attorney David Britton. Mr. Britton is a neighbor to all of us; he and his family live on Court Street.

Anonymous said...

It is you, Jim, who are not our neighbor. It is also you who is suing the Town. It is absolutely you who we can do without. What a guy!

Anonymous said...


The filing of a civil lawsuit requires that the town spend resource to represent itself = $. However Cohen wants to spin it – face it - he is suing the town!

The town residents who are so enamored with Cohen need to take off their rose colored glasses. It is very evident that he is out for himself and doesn’t care about the town or what he has to do to get what he wants.

It’s getting really tiresome the constant “Chicken Little” approach residents have to lawsuits. If people believe they can intimidate you with baseless legal threats then we have lost before we even get started.

The casino is another good business partner the town is being threatened by. Did you happen to notice that Lakewood has an issue with casinos? But you have to wonder how 4 casinos generate $2.9 million in tax revenue and Ruston’s casino was generating $33,000? Granted they may be bigger – but do you here them complaining about taxes? Are they suing over taxes? No, they are worried they won’t be allowed to operate any longer yet the casino in Ruston claims that he is being taxed out of existence?

Given the millions Cohen will be spending developing in Ruston, maybe he will follow suit and sue us over his B&O taxes being too high? Or did we follow your wisdom and eliminate that source of revenue so we could attract new businesses to Ruston who want to sue us?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Mr. Cohen is actually suing the town. Is that really the issue here, or again, is this the same group or person who continues to try and spin facts, distort what is happening and try to justify what a small minority of people see as the vision of Ruston?

The issue is that the system that Mr. Cohen has had to endure and work through has been poor. Is he out for himself, probably so, I don't think he has filed as a Non-profit organization and has a right as an American to make an honest living.

As far as the issue of Lakewood Casino's vs. the Ruston Casino, please attempt to provide an apples to apples comparison. What is the current Tax Rate in Lakewood for starter's? Then, add in the fact that the location's for the 4 in Lakewood have extremely higher traffic counts, one has I-5 visibility, 3 are owned by large corporations and have the ability to advertise on billboards, radio and print and I would think that any person with common sense or an understanding of business would see where those 4 would generate much more business. Has anyone ever noticed that Chips Casino in Lakewood has had a billboard on I-5 by the Tacoma Dome for over 2 years running.
As far as the Ruston Casino claiming he is being taxed out of business, look at the reader board, HE HAS BEEN TAXED OUT OF BUSINESS!!! His table games are ot even in the building.
The issue here again boils down to a small group of people who meet behind closed doors, secretly and attempt to control the majority. However, they are not smart enough and can't realize that we are on to them. Cohen and the Casino are not the bullies. Bullies limit access to what is supposed to be a community paper, Bullies schedule Public Comment in a way that no one can respond and they can control input. Bullies prevent people from talking longer than 2 minutes at a meeting when they themselves would act like children when they could not finish their point. Remember the current Council Member who had people pass there time to him so he could hear himself talk, that is a bully. Bullies sit at a table during a meeting pretending to do paperwrok instead of listening to the voting public, never acknowledging them nd therefore controlling the situation.
Look in the mirror and you'll see the problem!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, if Mr. Windgard wins his lawsuit, he will have broken the Ruston bank; we will have to declare bankruptcy, and all our problems will be solved. After all, Wingard has said several times on this blog site that he'd like to be dictator of Ruston. The moths have flown out of his wallet, apparently, and he's seriously trying to make it happen. The only comment I would add is, Emperor Wingard, you have no clothes. Everyone sees right through you - your declared love for our town hasn't stopped you from trying to make several million $$ by suing it.

Anonymous said...

As usual, the RC mantra folks can't debate the issue, they just make personal attacks. Too bad, it would be great to actually talk about our differences rather than try to one up each other in the name calling game.

Anonymous said...

Intersting publication, our Ruston Connection. If it is truly a publication for Ruston, why is the site restricted?? What could possible be on that all should not see. The Tacoma News Tribune and the Seattle PI are not restricted. Is there an issue with National Security with the voice of the people, the RC???
Wouldn't it be interesting, if in the next Lawsuit (Which will surely come), all of their computers were confiscated by court order!!!!!
They better hire a tech expert to clean them up. The things they may find on those alone would be pricelesss.
And no, you can't find a stapler on a computer!!!

Anonymous said...

Since mr wingard has already made millions by selling some prime real estate i cant image that he would need to sue Ruston to keep the moths out of his wallet. He also owns land in town which gives him a vested interest. Too bad he doesnt live in town and could serve on the council - maybe something FAIR might get done. As for the casino, the condos, and stack hill, they have been nothing but jerked around for the last few years. The only way to fend off this nazi treatment is to sue them.
i actually think its their (the council) plan-- go broke getting sued - annex to Tacoma like they want - and still have scapegoats to blame. maybe they ought to adopt the name the "teflon council" since everything will be someone elses fault.

this town is hilarious -- like dumb and dumber.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So you are back to using 'Nazi' to describe what you don't agree with. I encourage you to be more civil if you intend to be considered anything but extreme and hateful by others.

Anonymous said...

Karen doesn't want to be sued, dummy. But she agrees with using the word 'Nazi' to describe people with the opposite point of view from hers. How do I know? Because she just recently said on another post that she has not removed the photo of Bradley Huson with a swastika on his shirt.
Why do you care, anyway? Go away.

Anonymous said...

karen i am sorry you are getting blamed for ME using the word nazi. to all the others i simply used it as a term to describe the "do our way or we will tie you up in so much red tape and over study that you will probably just give up and go away." even when people make concessions and bend to what the council wants, they will change their mind and decide to "study" it again. Just try to do something in this town that doesnt benefit the members of the council or their elite few and see how far and fast you get. its a total joke. and i was being civil, guess the black and white truth hurts.

p.s. to all the real communist party people out there im sorry i offended you

Anonymous said...

As I explained to Bradley, I did not put the post up with his picture and it not how I would express my concern about having all public comment removed from the council meetings. We can argue over what should be allowed on a blog clearly labeled "no-holds barred political commentary" if you want, but frankly, Bradley is taking it in stride. Maybe the rest of us should move on onto more current topics.

Don't stress about my being blamed for your comments, Katie. It comes with the territory and I don't really take these types of comments to heart. They are just a distraction from dealing with the real issues (like why the council is afraid of public comment).

Anonymous said...

Some topics are timeless. The Nazis are as timely today as they were nearly 80 years ago. Why? Because they stand for the worst evils possible that are imposed by some people over others.
Nice try, Karen and Katie - but it's just one more attempt by Karen and friends to gloss over the really evil garbage they spew all over Ruston. And 'Garbage' is exactly the word Bradley Huson used at a Council meeting to describe your website and the photo of him and the swastika.
'Total joke', Katie? Want to 'move on to more current topics', Karen? Well I can see why. Your comments are a total embarassment, but worse, they come directly from fascism and it's amazing that you're perfectly o.k. with that.
Heil, Karen and Katie!

Anonymous said...

So what are you saying.Should we just give up on the missing stapler?

Marty Martian.

Anonymous said...

The challenge of trying to dialoge with someone who doesn't listen is that they keep repeating statements that have been clarified and corrected. Once again, I am not comfortable with the picture of Bradley, nor am I comfortable with the last comment, nor with most of what gets printed in the Ruston Connection.

But I've learned that different people express themselves in different ways, so I allow comments on this blog and posts on the Ruston Truth blog that make me uncomfortable. It is more important that everyone participate than I stay comfortable or that the last nameless commenter not be offended.

Call this growing dialoge on this blog garbage if you want, we all know you speak from fear that other voices are being heard. Your insults will not quiet us any longer.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's pretty good, Anonymous.
Karen must have read the Harry Potter books because her blog is just like that rag, The Daily Cauldron. Karen is Ruston's juicy journalist Rita Skooter.
Move over, Skooter Bill and make room for a real pro, Skooter Karen. No one does a better job of printing innuendo, gossip, false allegations and racism, all in the name of 'conversation'. Yuk, yuk.

Anonymous said...

you people have a lot of free time on your hands

Anonymous said...

more of the typical bs from the rc bunch. Hey Anon! How about a name to identify your insufflations. I don't expect you to id yourself since you are basically cockroaches scurrying away from any hint of light.

I wrote in a commentary to the RC back in the day and it was not acknowledged in the least. Must have to do with facts... Not something you see much of in the propoganda spewing from the RC "editors"

Craig Fletcher

Anonymous said...


You want to know who the venon queen is? Check out your neighbor!

Anonymous said...

Who do you mean when you say venon queen? If you're talking about Karen Pickett, you should be more civil and not so rude. How about speaking to the issues and not get so personal? But I'd still like to know who you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

It's not Karen, I admire her and thank her for what she's done.

Anonymous said...

It must be Lisa M. She is the silent Venon Queen.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean venom?

Anonymous said...

Ding, ding, ding, ding...jackpot!

Anonymous said...

karen, you do not allow people to express them selves in "differnt ways".
i, and others are constantly censored by you.
my posts here, or my differnt way of expressing myself, are deleted all the time. as expect this will be deleted also.
remember karen, "censor none or censor all" thomas jefferson.

Anonymous said...

previose, do you feel bad or badly about this?