Monday, June 16, 2008

Council Meeting Tonight

Click here to see all the back up documentation for tonight's meeting. Based on a very quick glance, I found these items interesting:
  • The legal services contract for the new town attorney does not have a "not to exceed" limit for his regular services, an area where Ruston was paying extra under past contracts for issues that took more time than expected.
  • The tree committee will be: Lucy Davis, Ginger Kryger, Ruth Campbell and Edie Tallman.
  • The new planning commission members will be: Kevin Moser, Colett Judd, Cherrie Anderson, Charles Ranes. Current members are Dick Peterson and Matt Davis. All applications for the vacancies are listed (a very interesting read, some are motivated by view protection, others don't list much). The mayor did not choose Bryan Ficiala, Michael Schoenecker, Virginia Carpio or Mark Schacht.
  • The new sign logo is set.
  • It looks like they are adding quite a bit to the ordinance regarding street cuts (including a provision that allows emergency work).
  • The council and mayor have determined they want Tacoma for all planning and building permit work - Resolution 425 gives authority to negotiate an interlocal agreement. They have not considered (at least in public meetings) other alternatives for these services, such as other consultants, other local jurisdictions or such.
  • Resolution 424, for the Point Ruston property reads, in part: "The Town Council of the Town of Ruston has determined that it is in the best interests of the Town of Ruston and its citizens that it begin discussion about entering into an Interlocal agreement for public services for the Town of Ruston with the City of Tacoma at the soonest possible date." This includes the potential for all services, including police and fire service. It appears the council wants to keep the tax revenue from this major portion of the town, but is considering contracting out all services.

See you tonight at 7 pm - 5219 N. Shirley, Room 101!


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