Monday, June 16, 2008

Revenue Sources

I think this is the MRSC handout Council Member Hunt mentioned at the last meeting. These issues of revenue sources for Ruston will be explored in detail at the study session next Monday, June 23rd at 7 pm, including the proposal by Council Member Stebner to increase the gambling tax by over 600% on the casino. If you are interested in the potential tax increases that may be considered (on businesses or other sources), you might read this over before the meeting.



Anonymous said...

I would suggest that some of the council could dig into their savings and repay the town for their frivolity in litigation and lack of foresight in having a SWAT insurance agreement. Any more bright ideas to drain the coffers guys, and gal?

Anonymous said...

Revenues? I don't know how these people can sit there with straight faces and want to talk about revenues when they are on the verge of turning everything over to Tacoma. What businesses would want to come into Ruston when our councilmembers are apt to tell a business that we are going to increase your taxes to run your business into the ground? I guess they plan to ease into it slowly. They've started with causing people to stand in line to file lawsuits. If they didn't cause so many lawsuits to come to the town, we would be in fat town (I know its supposed to city). Turn away all the builing permit fees that are going to be generated from Pt. Ruston. The money from that development would keep us going for another hundred years. All this talk about annexation, have they ever given a thought to the services they would be losing. Have you ever tried to call Tacoma power or water. Pack a lunch. Fire services... we already have the answer to that. Police services... do you think Tacoma officers would take the time for our citizens like our department does? NOT! I can assure you they won't get the extra time that our public works department offers. And certainly not in the short time that our guys take. Then there's the clerks office, I have heard some stories about the clerk. I have to say there hasn't been a time that I have walked in there for whatever reason that the clerk wasn't pleasant and more than helpful. YOU WON'T GET THE PERSONAL TOUCH SERVICES IN TACOMA THAT YOU ARE GETTING IN RUSTON.