Thursday, January 31, 2008

News Tribune

The News Tribune's Word On The Street reporter is at it again. He has posted a report on his meeting with Council Member Bradley Huson.


Anonymous said...

Whoa - can you feel the love? I think Bradley is the one is the one running scared. He must have been in different meetings than I attended...

Anonymous said...

This is the peace maker . . . .?
The one to restore order . . . .?

Anonymous said...

I think we should take up a collection so we can mail Bradley's thoughts to all the "psycho", "crazy" residents in town.

Anonymous said...

Why mail it? We can pass it out house to house if need be.

Anonymous said...

I am near speechless by Mr. Huson's remarks. I voted for this man becuase i thought he did a fine job on the planning commission. I cannot tell you how very disappointed i am. This behavior is the antithesis of a leader. And if Mr. Huson were in the gallery being treated by a council like he treats us he would be screaming righteous indignation from the top of his lungs.
We may be stuck with you for four years, but i can guarentee you that is the last you will see of this council. Do us a favor and resign if you don't want to represent your constituents, all of your constituents.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, no one wants to work with this council.(Except for Jim, but he has no voice with this council.) Hummmm, Bradley said Dan would have been nominated whether it be 1 minute or 6 weeks, they already knew who they wanted. Who do they want now? Who is most likely on top of their list? Any guesses?

Anonymous said...

In reading the article it took me back to some of the council meetings where Bradley himself acted just like he is claiming all others are. I guess he is putting himself in the same classification.Remember this phrase: "Those that scream the loudest are most often wrong" I have found this to be very true in most situations. I do find it interesting that he refers to the people that pay his salary in that way. It wouldn't take me long to find an alternate source for what I needed done. I have no respect for someone that has to put people down and criticize in such a demeaning way.