Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Open Appeal to Tacoma Fire Chief

Dear Chief Stephens;

Last night was our Ruston Town council meeting. Councilmember Stebner and Councilmember Albertson were repeatedly asked by the community and Fire Chief if they now have a contract for fire service from Tacoma. They reluctantly said yes and would not provide any information to the Fire Chief of Ruston, the Mayor or community. The veil of secrecy is not the proper path in this community.

I am personally inviting you to the study session to review Ruston Fire and a potential contract with Tacoma. I feel it is important you meet the people you want to provide servies to. The study session will be held at the Ruston School at N.52nd and Shirley Street. I look forward to meeting you.

Sincerely, Beth Torbet

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